Category Archives: Research Papers

W1 Assignment Blockchain Paper

  • Write a 2-page single-spaced paper in which you apply an innovation theory to the Blockchain phenomenon.
    • Identify an innovation theory (i.e., disruptive innovation or diffusion of innovation adoption curve) to examine what is currently happening with Blockchains.
    • Describe key components of the theory, and explain how the theory applies to this particular innovation. Include additional research as needed to show how the theory matches the conditions that motivated the creation and spread of Bitcoin and/or blockchains.
    • Answer the following application questions:
      • Think of an industry not mentioned in the article. How will it be affected by blockchains?
      • What predictions does the theory make about the future of that industry?
      • What suggestions would you give to a manager in this industry dealing with the potential impact of this phenomenon?
    • Cite all borrowed content in APA format.


Rubric for Blockchain Paper

Rubric for Blockchain Paper
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper accurately describes key components of an innovation theory and explains how the theory applies to this particular innovation. 2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper effectively applies an innovation theory to examine how the blockchain innovation might impact another industry. 1.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper is 2 single-spaced pages, is formatted according on APA guidelines, and includes in-text citations and a reference page. Paper meets academic writing standards including grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, and organization. 1 pts
Total Points: 5



Unit 4 Written Assignment: Background Statement

Background Statement


Follow the steps below to compose the background statement.

The background statement should address the following questions:

Why did you become interested in this topic?

In what specific setting does your project take place?

What is the context of the project?

What are primary issues resulting from the problem?

    • Who are the primary stakeholders?
    • What is the theoretical framework you have selected to evaluate the problem and to arrive at a solution for the problem?
    • Ensure that you have a logical transition from your topic to your background statement.

Paper Requirements

  • The background statement is a Level 2 heading.
  • Utilize two (2) paragraphs to write your background statement.
  • Length: 1 page.


Unit 2 – Written Assignment: Topic & Preliminary Annotated Bibliography

Topic & Preliminary Annotated Bibliography


Your topic should:

Identify a specific issue or problem in a specific situation and localized setting (workplace or community).

Seek to improve professional and community practices.

Generate new knowledge to address a specific problem to improve practice.

Improve the well-being of the people involved.

Interest you personally and professionally.

This will be the first section of your proposal.

Once you identify your topic, you will:

  • Conduct a review of the recent academic literature on your topic. Use both The Chicago School Library(Links to an external site.) database, and Google Scholar (Links to an external site.) to conduct your search of the most recent literature on your topic.
  • Identify and read three peer-reviewed journal articles published within the past five years to support your topic.
  • Write a description of the journal articles in annotated bibliography format following APA guidelines.
  • Write a single paragraph up to seven sentences for each article.
  • Include the main point of the article.
  • State how the findings of the article relate to the other sources in your bibliography.
  • Avoid opinion without support from the literature.
  • Include both positive and negative comments about the article. You can generally find limitations presented by the authors near the end of the article.
  • Always review the resource section of an article or dissertation for additional sources. Use the work of others to help build your literature review.

You will use your topic of interest to begin the process of developing a research proposal. Through an iterative process, you will develop and refine your research proposal across the course, culminating in the Signature Assignment.

Paper Requirements

  • The topic is a Level 1 heading.
  • In one paragraph, state your topic and how it aligns with your program concentration and/or professional interests in psychology. Develop an annotated bibliography following the guidelines presented above.
  • Length: approximately two pages (double spaced).

Note: Your Annotated Bibliography will be expanded to five peer-reviewed journal articles and submitted again in Module 2.


Research Paper


Research Paper

Students will write a scholarly paper that is a minimum of 6-8 pages in length (6-8 pages excluding the title page, abstract, and reference page). Format is to follow the most recent edition of the Manual of the American Psychological Association.

References may be found in the APUS library or search engines such as Google Scholar.  The paper must include at least five, peer-reviewed sources that cover your chosen topic from the list below. Keep in mind that 5 is the minimum.  A good quality research paper usually contains in excess of 10.  Sources should be less than 10 years old and if using statistical data, it should be less than 5 years old.  Do not forget to use in text citations to credit your sources.

Note that references used for your research need to be peer-reviewed/scholarly journals. These journals typically have the following characteristics:

1. articles are reviewed by a panel of experts before they are accepted for publication;
2. articles are written by a scholar or specialist in the field;
3. articles report on original research or experimentation;
4. are often published by professional associations;
5. utilize terminology associated with the discipline.

Use of newspapers, news magazines, and similar periodicals must be kept to a minimum, and will be acceptable only as sources for supplementary information.

References like “Wikipedia,” “Psychology Today,” and “Court TV” are not primary sources, are not peer reviewed (reviewed for empirical integrity, accuracy, and authenticity), and are not appropriate references for scholarly writing (with the possible exception of use for anecdotal background information).

While dissertations are closely supervised by a dissertation committee made up of scholars, they are still considered student work. Dissertations are often included in scholarly writing, although they are used sparingly.


Research Paper Topics

Choose one of the following topics relevant to evidence and procedures:

  1. Documentation, collection, and preservation of DNA evidence
  2. Discuss the role of the first officer of the scene. How can his/her actions impact investigation?
  3. The pros and cons of relying on modus operandi and signature in a serial homicide investigation.
  4. Discuss at bitemark examinations, document examinations, and microscopic hair examinations and exactly why each is now considered “junk science”.
  5. Discuss the impact of visual aides in the courtroom and how they assist in explaining forensic science to the jury. Provide examples drawing from specific forensic disciplines such as fingerprint analysis or ballistics.
  6. Discuss the different methods of documenting and searching a crime scene. What are the pros and cons of relying on 3D imaging systems?


Remember that statistics, studies and case examples add depth to your writing.

The paper should be of high quality, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and of original work. Plagiarism will not be permitted and occurrences of it will result in the procedures outlined in the “Student Handbook.”

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once you have submitted the assignment it is automatically run through (plagiarism checker).   You MUST be below a 20% match to other sources.


Overview of Project Paper

Throughout this course, you will be learning about public health and the use of epidemiologic information to develop, implement and evaluate population health programs. There are several smaller projects and one major paper that is broken into sections to help illustrate the application of theory to areas I hope you are passionate about.

Week 02 Assignment – Public Health

Identify an area of public health that interests you. Areas to consider include reproductive justice, access to fresh foods, access to mammography, vaccinations, avoiding diabetes in certain population or anything else that interests you. Write no more than 300 words about what that problem is and why it is important.

Week 05 Assignment – Literature Review

Identify the target population you will focus on. For instance, if your interest is in access to mammography, this is your chance to become more specific, such as access to mammography among black women (a vulnerable group) in rural areas of Vermont. Write a paragraph about why this specific population is of concern regarding this particular health problem.

Review the literature. Discuss the medical literature but also include information pertaining to applicable law and regulation, statistics (include attendant data sources) and synthesize the information to describe the extent of the problem.

Week 06 Assignment – SMART Goals

What do you want to accomplish with your program? Write at least three measurable goals but don’t boil the ocean. For example: Increase the national vaccination rate for all children in the US is a bit ambitious. Improving the vaccination rate among preschoolers seen in a free clinic by 1% may be more doable, unless the vaccination rate is already quite high. But before you can get to an outcome goal such as an increased vaccination rate, you probably should address some process goals. Maybe something like improving knowledge about immunization among newly hired nurses as evidenced by successfully completing a novel course on immunizations within the first three months of hire.

Week 08 Assignment – Planned Interventions

In the last paper, you set your goals. Now, identify at least two interventions you will institute as part of the program you are developing. Maybe its presenting a 30 min in-service to the nursing staff addressing fears and misconceptions about diabetes among your target group. For whatever it is, please describe

  • What each intervention will entail
  • Key organizations and individuals to include in planning. Discuss the role and legitimacy of these choices.
  • Timeline
  • Assignment of duties and responsibilities
  • Potential Funding source
  • Communications plan

Critique each of the identified interventions and report as a SWOT.

Week 09 Assignment – Linguistic or Cultural Challenges

In one page, identify potential linguistic or cultural challenges your population of interest may have and how you addressed these issues in these materials or in your population of interest as a whole.

Submit PT or professional education materials you will use to augment the program you are designing. Submit at least one professional and one public facing educational piece. No resource should exceed two pages in length.

Week 10 Assignment – Finished Project Plan

Use all the different assignments and discussion content to create your finished Project Plan paper. This needs to include your Public Health area of interest the problem(s) with this area and its affected population, the literature around that population, your SMART goals, your planned interventions, the challenges (linguistic/cultural/other) with the interventions and the population, along with your evaluation plan (see below). This paper should be 5-10 pages in APA style including an abstract and references.

Include in your finished Project Plan an evaluation plan with at least one data driven outcome measure for each goal you specified and include the data source. Identify who will evaluate the program and why they are selected.

Week 11 Assignment – Elevator Pitch

Have you ever heard of an elevator pitch? The idea is that you can summarize the salient points of your project or argument so concisely that you could convince someone in a 90 second elevator ride to adopt your point of view. Here is the scenario: You are applying for funding for your project. This could be an outside investor or asking for a budget from your employer. You are given an opportunity to advocate for funding or acceptance of your program at the next board meeting.

Record an audio only version of your pitch and then submit two files: your audio recording and a Word document of your script. (You don’t actually have to record it in an elevator.)





Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:

  • Select a health care setting within which to implement an electronic medical record product. Be as specific as possible.
    • Examples of health care delivery settings are as follows: a small community hospital, a rural primary care clinic, a home health agency, a medical unit within a correctional facility, a large multi-facility urban hospital system, or a specialty physician’s office such as oncology or endocrinology.
    • Consider choosing a setting that you currently work in or would like to work in later on in your career.
  • Describe this health care setting, the patient population it serves, the volume of patients that it serves, the needs of the setting, etc.
  • Identify a health care Information System to meet the needs of this facility.
  • Provide details regarding whether there is a vendor who offers such a system or whether a custom solution needed.
  • Include the all necessary elements in the proposal:
    • Capabilities of the system.
    • How the system aligns with the needs of the health care facility.
    • Initial and maintenance costs of the system.
    • Staff needs to support the system.
    • The timeline and plan for implementation of the system.
    • The strategy for introducing staff to the system.
    • How to get buy-in and cooperation.
    • How to provide training.
    • How privacy, security, and confidentiality will be maintained.
  • Identify 3–5 potential barriers in implementing the system and describe how you would work around those barriers.
  • Use the Strayer Libraryto find at least three academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites are not considered quality references.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Propose healthcare Information Systems for a facility in terms of setting, constituents’ needs, and mitigation of barriers.


Health IT Evaluation Project

Health information technology (IT) is largely utilized for the purposes of improving care, healthcare quality, and patient safety. Implementing health IT systems in healthcare organizations is an incredibly expensive, detailed endeavor. Oftentimes, large project implementations, while intended to increase efficiency, ultimately do not live up to the potential. The causes for this are multifaceted, and thus early stages of evaluation are necessary to avoid costly and dangerous technology failures (Cusack et al., 2009).

The purpose of this project is for you to perform an evaluation of a proposed health IT system in your place of employment, using components of the Health Information Technology Evaluation Toolkit published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). If your organization is not considering implementing any new technology in the near future, you may elect to evaluate the process that was completed for a health IT system already in existence.

The Health IT Evaluation Toolkit  by Cusack, et al. is also listed on the Require Reading page as a Resource. The toolkit should be used as a guide for the student to write APA style formatted word document(s) that include the sections for the different assignments.

Week 3: Health IT Evaluation Toolkit Assignment (Part 1)

For this week’s assignment, complete sections I-V of the Health IT Evaluation Toolkit. APA formatting (with the exception of an abstract) is required for this submission. For section II of the toolkit, be sure to select two or more important stakeholders and discuss their goals and vision for success of this proposed project implementation.

Week 5: Health IT Evaluation Toolkit Assignment (Part 2)

For this week’s assignment, complete sections VI – X of the Health IT Evaluation Toolkit. APA formatting (with the exception of an abstract) is required for this submission.

Week 7: Health IT Evaluation Toolkit Assignment (Part 3)

For this week’s assignment, complete sections XI – XV of the Health IT Evaluation Toolkit. APA formatting (with the exception of an abstract) is required for this submission.

Week 9: Health IT Evaluation Toolkit Assignment (Part 4)

For this week’s assignment, complete sections XVI – XVII of the Health IT Evaluation Toolkit. APA formatting (with the exception of an abstract) is required for this submission.

Week 11: Final System Evaluation Project paper

For this week’s assignment, complete section XVIII of the Health IT Evaluation Toolkit. APA formatting (including an abstract) is required for this submission.

In earlier weeks your assignment deliverables are formative components of the toolkit. This week, you will turn in your completed project, which is the total evaluation.

Your final submission, the evaluation plan, should be formatted as follows:

  1. Short description of the project
  2. Goals of the project
  3. Questions to be answered by the evaluation effort
  4. First measure to be evaluated – quantitative
    1. Overview – general considerations
    2. Timeframe
    3. Study design/comparison group
    4. Data collection plan
    5. Analysis plan
    6. Power/sample size calculations
  5. Second measure to be evaluated – qualitative
    1. Overview – general considerations
    2. Timeframe
    3. Study design
    4. Data collection plan
    5. Analysis plan
  6. Subsequent measures to be evaluated in the same format


Current Events #1 Assignment

Current Events #1 is due to be submitted in Canvas by Sun 1/23, @ 11:59 pm.  Please read the Current Events explanation in the Assignments Info module labeled Current Event. There is also a sample Current Event there for you to review.

Your Current Event can be related to anything we have discussed in Weeks 1, or 2. For example, Leadership, Stock Market, SWOT analysis, Stimulus efforts of the Govt, etc.

Please research an article related to those topics and write a 1-2 page synopsis. Less than 1 full page is not acceptable! It is your choice as to where the information comes from and you have quite a bit of freedom.

Please include the source of your material and a link or URL at the bottom of your work, and put it in a Word Doc  (Docx). Your work should have a Title. Please do not just copy the article word for word because Turnitin will tell you and me how much of the article you copied or plagiarised. You can resubmit your assignment if Turnitin shows a high word match %. Use your own words.

Use your own explanation of your take-a-way from the article and give me your opinions. That is most important. Give me your conclusion, your opinion and substantiate your position. I believe this way because of, here is my opinion, and why…. I agree or disagree because, this matters to me because it affects me how…Make us care about what is important to you.

It should be in 12 pt font and Times New Roman. If you have trouble submitting your work, always look to change your browser. I use Chrome and it normally works well.  Firefox next. Internet Explorer and Safari not soo.


CMRJ 201 Research Project

After reviewing the textbook topics and course learning objectives, students will select a subject of interest for a 8-10 page research paper supported by a minimum of 5 academic peer reviewed sources. The paper is due at the end of Week 7. In your response to the discussion forum “Research Paper Topic”, post the topic you wish to research, the course learning objective with which it aligns, and why this topic is of special interest to you. I will approve, comment, or disapprove. Please wait for approval before you begin your research. This should be completed by the end of Week 2. The following are the six course learning objectives from which you can base your topic:

  1. Examine the organizational structure and the administration process of the U.S. justice system.
  2. Differentiate among the various components that influence the administration of the criminal justice system.
  3. Describe the use of force and the use of discretion in criminal investigation.
  4. Examine the administration of the courts when addressing sentence alternatives.
  5. Analyze the American correctional system and its use of alternative programs when administering justice.
  6. Identify common ethical issues that occur in the criminal justice system.

Research paper topics must be based upon one of the six course learning objectives. When submitting the selected research topic by the end of Week 2, students must identify not only the topic of their research paper but also the course learning objective with which it is aligned.

When writing your research paper be sure to focus upon the aspect of criminal justice that you are addressing from the perspective of the course learning objective with which it is associated. You must support points made in the research paper with scholarly resources. Your personal opinion must be limited and will not be a determining factor in the final grade. Instead, your grade is determined by how well you support your argument utilizing the materials discussed in this course and research and reference material you locate.

What I do not want is a regurgitation of what is in the text. Expand on the text; do not repeat it. Direct quotes should be used sparingly and limited to instances where the original meaning would be lost if not directly quoted. Document your facts utilizing standard APA style current edition.

This paper is to be submitted to me as indicated on the Course Schedule and Grading Policy Summary Table.  The paper is to be in APA format current edition and the body of the paper is to be between 8 and 10 pages.  The body of the paper does not include the title page, table of contents, appendix or references. Abstracts should not be included and will not count as part of the body of the paper if included.

This is to be of high quality, free of spelling and grammatical errors, and of original work. Plagiarism will be dealt with harshly.  You are to title your paper by your last name.  For example, an individual with the last name of Smith would name their paper “smith.docx” with “.docx” being the MS Word file extension.  You are to submit your paper by uploading it to the assignment section.

You must submit your research paper to this assignment as a Word document. Other formats will not be accepted. The date of your submission is based upon the date you successfully submit your research paper in the correct Word format.

Papers will be graded based on the Criminal Justice Formal Written Paper Rubric.


Week 8 Assignment – Final Paper: Research Paper, Part II


Your final research paper will be based on the topic of your choice selected in Week 2. You may include the readings assigned in this class to supplement your research.

Final Research Paper:

Write an 8-10-page research paper (excluding the title and reference pages) on the topic of your research topic choice selected in Week 2. By this time, you should have submitted your first 5 pages for grading and feedback. Once you receive feedback, make revisions accordingly and combine with the last five pages of your paper.

TurnitIn Information: Your paper will automatically be submitted to TurnitIn when you submit your paper through the “Assignment” section of the classroom. As a guide, the similarity score is the percentage of the assessment of your research paper that directly quotes other sources. It should be no more than 10%. Please note that this refers only to direct quotes within the body of the text and does not include the reference list or cover sheet. Anything more than 10% will be subject to evaluation and loss of points if plagiarism is detected.

Assignment Writing Rubric – located in the resources folder.

APA Style 7th Edition – materials found in the Resources folder


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