Category Archives: Research Papers

Writing Question

Before you begin research, it’s important to answer a few questions:

  1. What is your topic for your informative project?

  1. What are the key concepts you want to address?

  1. Name all of the possible key search words you can think of:

Now that you understand your topic, let’s start looking for research. There are few things to look for when collect research:

  1. Scholarly, Peer-reviewed

  2. Research within the last 10 years

  3. Reputable sources

The best place to find information like this is through the school library website. Now that we know what we are looking for, we can begin researching.

  1. Go to

  2. Click on Find Articles

  3. Under “Not sure where to start with your research?” click on Try ProQuest Central

  4. Log-in with your CPCC credentials

  5. You should be on the green ProQuest Central homepage

Instructions: Complete the worksheet on the next page. Fill out all of the sections to your best ability. Remember, if you have questions or get stuck, you can always ask Molly for help!



Computer science writing question


In the contemporary world, the introduction and tremendous evolution of artificial intelligence have led to the innovation of products such as robots which has a significant impact on society. In order to maintain the living standards of individuals, two ideas are proposed, the Universal Basic Income (UBI) and social investment stipend (SIS) which is set to benefit everyone in society regardless of their income or circumstance. The implementation of UBI will be very advantageous in society for it will reduce poverty, income inequality and the physical mental health of the general population. In addition, it avoids the disincentive to work with means-tested advantages (Banerjee, Niehaus & Suri, 2019). A UBI can also supply a Social Security Net with minimum administrative costs in times of crisis. On the other hand, SIS allows individuals to receive support and care based on their contribution to society.

While these initiatives may be to the community, there are concerns that it may encourage laziness in the society, and may increase poverty in the society for resources are spread to everyone who deprives those that need it the most (Hanna & Olken, 2018). UBI and SIS are also expensive and may lead to labor and skills shortages. However, in an era of robotics and decreased human manpower, UBI and SIS can be implemented by considering specific groups in the society affected by technology. The groups that should receive UBI and SIS benefits include non-working parents, caregivers, and unemployed youths.


Managerial Economics

 Recall the prisoner’s dilemma between the two firms:









Now suppose the U.S. government has stepped into the market and threatened a penalty of $1.5b if either firm becomes a monopolist. Continue to assume that both firms cooperate, they each earn 2, and if they both defect, they each earn 1 (payoffs are in billions of dollars). However, if one firm cooperates, the other can defect, but now the defection payoff is reduced to 1.5, while the other firm continues to earn 0.

  1. Write down the new payoff matrix.

  2. Suppose this is a one-shot game with no enforcement. Solve for any Nash equilibria.

  3. Is mutual cooperation a Nash equilibrium? Why? Does that mean cooperation will happen no matter what?

  4. Which equilibrium is payoff dominant? And which equilibrium is risk dominant? Explain.

  5. If one firm has no idea what the other will do, what is that firm’s dominant strategy?

  6. What is the degree of belief (i.e. the probability) either firm must have that the other firm will cooperate?

  7. What are some lessons you can take away from this game?


Mathematics discussion question

Module 7

High-tech marketing image In this discussion, you will work in small groups in online discussions to read and interpret statistical graphs. This group discussion will help prepare you for activity M7A2, in which you will write and submit an individual paper analyzing a similar statistical graph.

For this discussion, you will be reading and interpreting graphs, tables, and maps from a particular news report. Specifically:

  1. Refer to the following report about dropout rates (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. (Note that this report is located in the CQ Researcher Plus Archive (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. research database of the Excelsior College Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..)

  2. Click on “Maps/Graphs” on the list on the left side of the screen. Read all graphs, tables, and maps.

    • Note: The graphs can be made larger (to read text more easily) by increasing your browser magnification or CTRL+ on your keyboard. CTRL – will decrease the magnification. If you have trouble viewing the graphs, please contact your instructor.

  3. Answer the following questions:

    • How many states had graduation rates below 75% during the 2011-2012 school year?

    • In what year was the national graduation rate approximately 75%?

    • What was the graduation rate for Asian American students in 2011-2012?

    • Describe anything that makes the graphs hard to read. What would you do differently?

    • Describe 3 additional pieces of information that you can read from these data displays.

Tip!CQ Research is a great source of information. This CQ Research Tip Sheet (Links to an external site.) will be helpful if you wish to explore further for a research paper or just for your own interest.

Be sure to answer all parts of the question above. It is possible that you will not be successful at answering all parts of the question at this point, and that is okay. Describe what you were able to solve and what questions you have remaining.

It is important to follow the Discussion Problem Instructions


The largest Planet in our solar system?

The Largest Planet in our solar system is Jupiter it is the fifth planet the diameter of Jupiter is 142,984 km (88,846 mi) and the temperature of jupiter is 80C


Service blueprint

I’m working on a management question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

I need a support for drawing a “blueprint service” for any service (for example, appointment, clinic, etc.) using microsoft visio or any similar software. the blueprint service should be something similar to the attachment provided.

Please draw a service blueprint for a doctor’s clinic.


Machine Elements Excel Project

I’m working on a mechanical engineering project and need a sample draft to help me learn.


I have a project due soon, but I don’t have the time to work on it as I have to prepare for two midterms and work on another project for another class.

All the instructions are in the file below, a rubric will be provided as well, but the questions and any other misc. are included. You will be using Excel to write down the numbers/formulas to compute the answers and fill in the blanks.

I need all the questions answered correctly and please submit the finished file in the form of .xlsx

Thank you!


Management Question

I’m working on a management project and need support to help me understand better.


I need ur help in my Research Paper


The topic of my Research Paper is :

The Impact of Privatization on Financial Performance in the Health Sector in Saudi Arabia



write a research paper with a case study.



Organic Chemistry

Hi! There are 18 questions, 8 multiple choice and 10 written. It’s on a two hour time limit so as soon as you except the assignment I will send over the questions! I’ll have you start on the written number 10 through 18 and I’ll start on the multiple-choice just in case there’s not enough time!


Economics project

You will need Minitab for this project. I will also post the excel file that you will need for this project below. All the questions should have a good narrative and pictures from the Minitab.

I will send you an excel file. The data can be copied to Minitab as it is and then you cal solve it through Minitab.All the stepwise instructions are below. I can also send you the lectures if you need more help.

1. Incorporate seasonal dummies and trends into your model. Identify if you have seasonality, trend by checking their significance? Is that consistent with your previous findings?

2. Check all your explanatory variables check for multicollinearity again (scatter plots, VIF, correlations). If you have a sign switch, correct the situation by throwing one (and if necessary more) of the variables out of the model. Consider R-squared or adj R-squared when making the decision. Your model should ONLY have variables with a correct sign that have the highest combined adj-R-squared.

3. Using the scatter plots you generated, identify any nonlinear relationships between Y and X variables.

Try to correct nonlinearity through transformation (page 233-237). If it works, keep the transformed version of the variable. Otherwise, use the original variable, acknowledge the nonlinearity and move on to the next test. Use 2 different transformations (ex: Log X, 1/X, X^2 or SQRT(X)).

4. Once you correct for nonlinearity and multicollinearity, check for autocorrelation using the DW test. Do you have autocorrelation? Correct for autocorrelation if you have any. (HINT: You may have to check for sign switch again)

5. Once you corrected for all possible problems, analyze the resulting residuals (4-in-11 plot in MINITAB)

6. Once you have your final model, use the forecasted X values (in PP2) and forecast your Y variable for 10 periods. Beware: if you transformed any variables, you may have to adjust your forecasts.

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