Category Archives: Research Papers

Website Development question

Chapter 2 Individual Case Project Addition

Plan and add a feature to one of the web pages in your personal site that uses at least one function to perform a mathematical calculation based on user input. Test the page to ensure it works as planned.

Chapter 3 Individual Case Project Addition

Plan and add a feature to one of the web pages in your personal site that incorporates content or functionality created by a series of if, if/else, and/or else if statements, or by a switch statement. If your page requires an event listener, create one that’s backward compatible with older versions of Internet Explorer. View and test your page in one or more browsers as appropriate to ensure it works as you expect.


GERO101: Introduction to Gerontology

GERO101: Introduction to Gerontology

Directions: For this assignment, you will be asked to interview two people; one person who is the age of your parents and another person that is the age of your grandparents. If you do not have parents/grandparents who are still living, please choose someone who is around the age that your parents/grandparents would be if they were still living. During your interview, you will ask questions based on the “Life Course Perspective.” The four stages of the life course are childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age.

You will ask questions regarding life events – childhood; life events – adulthood; identity; the present; aging; and life lessons and legacies. You will then compare these two interviews to your own experiences, using the Life Course Perspective. The life course perspective or life cycle (page 64 in your text) is a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the mental, physical and social health of individuals, which incorporates both life span and life stages (e.g. think about the activity you completed for discussion #1 (biological, psychological etc. age)

Questions: How were your interviews similar and how were they different? How do they compare and contrast to your own life events? Referencing the “How Old Are You” activity from early in the semester, how old do you think each individual is based on their answers to the questions you developed?



Construction Contract

Write a draft contract between Ministry of electricity as the task in the picture below



Developing a New Health Care System

A new island has been discovered in the Pacific Ocean. This island is approximately the size of Texas and has a temperate climate. United Nations officials have deemed this new land mass to be its own sovereign nation and have established a fledgling government made up of bureaucrats from nations all over the world. The island was uninhabited when discovered, but since its discovery has grown in population to about 25 million people when its borders were closed. This new nation has appointed your group to oversee the formation of its national health care system.

Your assignment is to develop a new health care system based on the examples of the countries described in Chapter 10. Do not just pick one health care system already established by a country, but take strategies from each country you find to be the best and develop your own, new heath care system. You must rationalize your final decision for each area. Your new healthcare system should specifically address the following health care issues:

  • Financing

  • Reimbursing

  • Providing

  • The assignment is to be completed in paragraph form, meaning written with words like a book and not just a list of bullet points. There are no right or wrong answers. The final project must identify which country the idea and justification came from to address each health care issue.

  • The information in the paper must be based on information in the text, but may be supported by outside, SCHOLARLY sources.

  • Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spaced, 1 inch margins

  • Any citations must be in proper APA format

  • Proper sentence style, grammar, word usage, and punctuation should be used

  • Complete sentences must be used

  • can use website too



The subject is about Social Media and News.

Your research needs reflect on the course-learning outcome listed in your course syllabus:

1- Explore the various types of Social Media Applications relevant to your topic

2- Recognize the different issues and risks of using Social Media under your topic umbrella

3- Identify the different approaches of web 2.0 or 3.0 technologies supporting social media in

your topic area

4- Apply different strategies for successful social media applications in your research area

5- Identify the different privacy and security options of social media application in your research area


Criminal Justice Question

imagine you are a supervisor at a criminal justice agency. Administration has just approved your proposal to adopt the usage of body cameras. Administration has further tasked you with the responsibility of relaying this information to the department. Lastly, you have to publicly announce the change to the surrounding community.

Prepare a detailed short paper that thoroughly answers the following questions: ● What is the best approach to relaying this information to employees and civilians? ● Will you choose a different technique for the two groups?

Guidelines for Submission: Your short paper must be a suubmitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and sources cited in APA format.


Machine Learning Question

Please help me this OPENGL quiz, there are 3 code questions

the quiz starts 1:00 AM to 1: 30 April 1. Only 30 mins

The below files are materials and questions example


Nursing Question

“Amanda McAttire,” a 25-year-old college student complains of excessive fatigue and reports that she’s often short of breath even with little exertion. She also reports periods of dizziness, tingling and numbness in hands and feet. She reports that she is an avid runner, however lately she’s been feeling unsteady and loses her balance. She also reports nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and weight loss. On physical examination she looks pale and her tongue is red, smooth and thick. A prior medical history states that she has been a very strict vegan for 10 years. She states that she takes a multivitamin every day. The results of a CBC/diff show low RBC count, and a very slight decrease in WBCs and platelets. Red cell indices show low hemoglobin level, a high MCV and MCH. Other laboratory tests show low levels of B12 and folic acid, low reticulocyte count, and high homocysteine.


Provide a response to the following questions:


1- Discuss which of the following types of anemia is responsible for the patient’s condition, and explain why?


a) Iron deficiency Anemia


b) Pernicious Anemia


c) Hemolytic Anemia


2. Based on your understanding of the structure and function of red blood cells how would you explain patient’s shortness of breath?


3. List the factors needed for erythropoiesis. Which of those factors is responsible for patient’s condition?


4. Describe how the patient’s condition would affect other blood cell lines of production in the process of hematopoesis.


ELEC2220 Computer Systems Spring 2021

ELEC2220 Computer Systems Spring 2021

In this homework, you are to make the changes described below to the homework 7, adding
the component IT keyboard which is used to enter the initial pattern index l. With a proper
configuration and set-up, the IT keyboard generates the IRQ interrupt when a key is pressed.
Then, the corresponding interrupt service routine (ISR) is executed which identifies the key pressed
and returns the value of the key through the memory variable Key value. The assembly code of
the ISR is provided in the Homework folder.
ˆ Initially, all of the LED’s are to be off, i.e., lit green once your program starts.
ˆ Your program waits until a (valid) initial pattern index is entered through the keyboard.
ˆ When a valid initial pattern index (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) is entered, the initial pattern is
displayed immediately and the corresponding sequence of patterns starts being displayed.
ˆ A sequence is repeated indefinitely until another initial pattern index is entered.
ˆ If an invalid initial pattern index or the initial pattern index the same as the one for the
current sequence is entered, it is ignored.
ˆ An initial pattern index can be entered at any time, which initiates the new sequence immediately.
ˆ The rate at which the pattern is changed must be set such that the sequence length in time
is the same independent of the initial pattern index l.
ˆ The timer basic function must be used in controlling the rate, i.e., implementing the subroutine delay.
ˆ Use the ports B (address: 1) and E (address: 8) for the rows and columns of the IT keyboard.
The vector number to be entered in the IT keyboard configuration window is 6. The interrupt
vector address for the IRQ interrupt is $FFF2.
ˆ The first 5 memory variables allocated must be LEDS, DIRECTION, NTOFS, Key flag and
Key value, in this specific order. Key flag and Key value must be initialized to 0 and
$FF, respectively.



Education & Teaching Question

Create a powerpoint for 5 thematic strands identified by NCSS for social studies curriculum in early childhood.

Include the following information:

  • What is the goal?

  • What are the major concepts?

  • Provide ways in which the arts can be used in the instruction of these concepts.

  • How can you make this more developmentally appropriate for young children?

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