Category Archives: Research Papers

Management Question

Lack of human resources:

One of the problems facing information systems is the lack of human resources necessary to implement the objectives and standards of the information systems in the company.

2- Lack of communication:

The lack of information from managers and users about the method of cooperation with the team specialized in designing information systems is one of the most common problems and challenges facing companies and various institutions.

3- Sharing and communication between information technology professionals and system users:

Users find it difficult to transfer information because they lack the ability to describe the problem in a technical way, so the information system must transfer it technically so that the image is clearer for the IT professional.

4- Lack of learning and culture:

One of the biggest problems that companies face is the lack of learning and culture among some employees, which may reflect negatively on their performance and the results of their work, and thus will naturally affect the company’s yield and the level and efficiency of its production. Moreover, the lack of learning may be caused by the surrounding environment or the nature of thinking of the employee and other influencing factors..

5- Adaptation to changes:

The system is able to adapt to the changes that may occur to the institution or to some features of the system itself.

6- Ease of use:

It is for the system and its outputs to be usable in an easy and uncomplicated way for users.

7- The lack of specialized consultants for designing information systems and its requirements for different software

The problems of the 2 system, I want solutions

1- Implement the new process.

Whether a well-designed process in the implementation stage can be executed well in actual use depends on whether or not the ERP application can achieve the expected objectives prior to implementation. Therefore, whether the new process can execute well is a major problem after moving to the Internet.

2- Modifying the system.

After the implementation of ERP, the planning mode and work process have been modified. At this time, some parameters and underlying data set in the system may not be accurate (for example, planning period, security stock, batch size, etc.). When using the system, problems related to these parameters will be revealed, and at the implementation stage, the settings for these parameters and basic data are prepared with the help of consultants. At the stage of system operation and maintenance, how to adjust these parameters to meet the actual situation of the enterprise is a very important problem.

3- Accuracy of the data.

We know that in the manual stage, the same data can be analyzed in the reports provided by different business departments. After ERP implementation, the data source is basically unique, and the effect of errors in the data source to a series of subsequent data. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to control the accuracy of the data source.

4- Team issues.

With the mail order and withdrawals of consultants, companies need their own teams to face all potential problems. For now, whether the company team is ready is the key to the normal operation of the system. Second, with the project going online, many people on the in-house team will feel that operating and maintaining the system does not face many challenges and development, and they will change jobs. For now, whether an organization can have a qualified reserve level at the top of the page relates to team safety

5- Financing.

This project may contain Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

By enumerating the above problems, it can be seen that after ERP becomes online is not the end of success, but just another beginning. There

The problems of the 3 system, I want solutions

Lack of Training & Execution

Zara might have well-articulated requirements, a sound BI strategy, and a good tool solution, but lack technical skills like designing, building, maintaining, and supporting BI applications. That cause slowly run in BI applications, break frequently, deliver uncertain results and eventually leading to rising cost of using the BI solution. The causes of lack of execution often are multiple and varied, as are its remedies.

2- Lack of BI impact

When executives are unclear on how the company can get benefits from BI, management may not be aware of information in the system and even may not be able to use it. Zara always wonder about the cause of no changing in business results attributable to BI, they feel that business value of BI investments not captured. As a result, they reluctant to approve any additional funding for BI. They might even pull the funding, and spend that budget somewhere else.

3- Business Intelligence with unstructured data

When users need to perform simple BI Processes, they might face a problem that the data is unstructured for BI to analyze. Moreover, Company could invest in big data analytics but cannot complete the tasks in time, that is because employees spending hours on cleaning and structuring the data first and then using the BI solution.


Business question

Throughout this course, you have been methodically investigating, analyzing, and proposing solutions for supporting innovative thinking within an organization. In this assignment, you will bring it all together in a final culminating assignment. The goal of the assignment is to persuade the organization to hire you to implement your innovative structures and strategies.

Create a persuasive video of your compelling vision for organizational innovation revival within the organization. Choose the most essential pieces from your assignments in Topics 3-7 to include in your 3-4 minute pitch, along with the steps to maintain your innovation structure.

For the video component of the assignment, you will create a document with the video access link and submit this document to your instructor.

In addition, you are required to submit the script of your pitch.

You are free to choose the method you are most comfortable using in order to create your video. Some options are a smartphone, tablet, video camera, or webcam. Upload your video to YouTube and copy that link in to a document for your instructor. You reserve the right to make the video public or private. Make sure to include:

  1. An overview of the organization’s history.

  2. An assessment of the innovative culture within the organization.

  3. A concise personal vision that describes yourself as an innovative leader.

  4. An overview of your proposed organizational structure to improve innovation within the organization.

  5. A summary highlighting your strategy for engaging innovative employees and fostering a climate of learning and development.

  6. Steps you need to take and maintain in order to keep the innovation momentum within the organization.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion


Excel question

The paper should not exceed 10 single-spaced pages, excluding charts or exhibits. It should follow this format:

I.Executive Summary

II.Company Background

III.Analysis of Internal and External Factors Impacting the Company’s Performance

IV.Financial Analysis


I am thinking about doing GM and compare it with other car manufacturing companies like Ford and Maybe Volkswagen that are publicly traded. Remember the competitor’s analysis is needed to get industry averages and compare them with the performance of the company we are writing the report about.


English Question

Read the two pdfs below as an introduction to the history of ceramics as a collecting history. Read the “space time” article first. Then read the article by Kay Black and watch 

For our small group, please consider the history of chaekkori or mungbangdo paintings and the role of ceramics in them. What might have been a motivation for chaekkori (Joseon paintings that have been considered still life). What was the relationship between the Korean kingdom and the political relationship with Qing China? What are the social and political aspects of collecting and assemblages in Joseon 18th c. Korea? What are some modern day equivalents?


Saudi Involvement in the Yemen Conflict

For this activity, you are to take the role of a United States Department of State officer. Your boss, the Secretary of State, has been assigned to give a press conference about Saudi Arabia’s role in the ongoing conflict in Yemen. You have been tasked with writing talking points for the Secretary.

Talking points are a set of short statements, usually using bullet points. (I will send links of examples once question is taken) I am less concerned about format than about substance, so feel free to be creative about how you do the talking points. You will need to conduct research to understand the issue.

You can decide what should be included in your talking points, but write them as if you were the Secretary of State. You need to include at least 10 talking points, each 1-2 sentences long. You should cover at least a bit about the history of Saudi Arabian involvement, why it got involved, and the impact of its involvement on the conflict and/or broader Middle East relations. Make sure you provide citations for the information you pull from other sources.


Creative Writing question

WHY THE US HAS NOT HIGH SPEED RAIL the essay is based on the video. write whatever comes up to your mind. free writing . talks about us rail and china high speed train. WHY THE US HAS NOT HIGH SPEED RAIL


MathLab question

For y[n]=(x[n]+4*x[n+1]+x[n+2])/ 6, write a Matlab program to answer the following questions.

  • Make x a normal distribution containing 1024 independent elements having a mean of zero and standard deviation of 1. Plot the first 128 elements of x with appropriate x-axis and y-axis labels.

  • Perform the operation of y[n]= (x[n]+4*x[n+1]+x[n+2])/6; plot the first 64 data points in x and y in the same graphic area using different symbols and colors. Indicate in legends which is x or y.

  • Find the magnitude and phase of the frequency response function in Matlab. The x-axis needs to be the normalized angular frequency, w. What is the magnitude and the phase angle of the frequency response function at w =0.5p according to your plots?

  • If x[n]=2sin(2pn/4)+3cos(2pn/8+p/4), what is the expected output y[n] according to the results in c? Compare the expected output with the result directly computed from y[n]= (x[n]+4*x[n+1]+x[n+2])/6 in Matlab. You should plot the two curves in one graph, have appropriate labels and scales.


Psychology Question

please help me edit grammar, add headings and any other loose ends in my paper. I will share the paper with the chosen tutor


Business Question


  • Read the Short Case starting on page 288.

  • Answer questions 1 – 4 in a Word document. Each answer should be at least one complete paragraph.


Identify most HTML tags and CSS properties and use a text editor to construct the basic HTML and CSS structure for a webpage.

Question One

Create a code that gives the following output, use the CSS to change the color of all <p> and <h1> elements, to “green”. Group the selectors to minimize code and use the internal CSS.

Question Two

The following codes are using the RGB, change it to RGBA color in order to set the opacity for the background color of <h1> element to “0.3”.

<!DOCTYPE html>




h1 {

   background-color: rgb(0,255,0);





<h1>Welcome to my world </h1>

<p>This is a Disney Website where you can have the full experience</p>

<p>Have fun and enjoy your time</p>





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