Category Archives: Research Papers

Business class

Watch the relevant video content, provide a clear statement, and discuss the relationship between the topic and sustainable tourism. Specific content will be posted in detail


Dental aesthetics

Dental professionals are in a unique position to help people with their aesthetic dental
concerns. A beautiful smile certainly helps boost confidence and implies a higher social
status. However, some patients will value aesthetics over health. What are some things
you can discuss with patients to help them value their oral health over aesthetic
concerns? If a person is missing anterior teeth, for example, what are the benefits of
replacing those teeth- other than cosmetics?



Ideally, a Problem-Solving Report is akin to a decision memorandum. A Problem-Solving
Report must be thoroughly researched and be richly accompanied by endnotes.
A good Problem-Solving Report will have the following parts.
1. Executive Summary
A short abstract of the paper content including all the Problem-Solving Report parts.
2. Problem Background
A. History of the Problem
B. Current Status of the Problem
C. Importance of the Problem
D. Definition of the Problem
Introduction to the problem. Keep it short and to the point. This section frames the issue.



Economics 370 – Economics of Labor

Read through this document carefully and then answer the questions in bold. Please type your
exam answer in the format described in the last paragraph. Note that you are limited to two pages
of text but you may also create a separate page(s) for your figure(s) if you have any.



Java Question

Simulate a Virtual Memory Manager named Vmm that reads in textual form memory requests (AKA loads and stores) from stdin and simulates them. Vmm measures the number of CPU cycles of any simulated action. The fixed cycles for memory accesses are defined via constants; they do not vary dynamically as they generally will in a real run-time system. Implement Vmm with three levels of 32-bit address mapping, using 10, 10 and 12 bits of any logical address. Except for the Page Directory (PD) which is implemented as a dedicated 4 kB-size cache, Vmm operates without cache. Accesses through the PD cost 1 cycle each.



Industrial Design question

Each team is required to identify a system as its case study and then apply a
detailed research upon how the system was developed from the view of
Enterprise Design Methodology including its phases and all associated
inputs and outputs.



Economics Question

‘Tesla and its flamboyant, and sometimes erratic, innovator Elon Musk have turned the more than a century old industry upside down in a mere 16 years. Traditional automakers are ill prepared to compete in today’s software-centered world. Unlike nimble Tesla, they are big, bureaucratic, slow to respond to customers, dependent on providing customer financing for unit sales growth, and culturally different from a software company. Tesla’s speed in innovation in the market for high-end vehicles is more like a Google or an Amazon than an automaker. And its soaring market valuation is a clear sign to all automakers that they’ll need to develop more innovative, Tesla-like business models in order to survive.’

Harvard Business Review. February 28, 2020

As per your Textbook –

‘Tesla’s cars had rapidly attracted a large and loyal fan base, and sales were growing at an impressive rate. However, designing and launching multiple major car platforms while building a large-scale battery company, a network of charging stations, and operating Solar City was a lot for a company to take on in its first fifteen years. This left some analysts scratching their heads. Was Tesla trying to do too much too quickly?’

Students are requested to read Chapter 6 Defining the Organization’s Strategic Direction of their textbooks. With the conceptual knowledge from Chapter 6 and your own research, answer the following questions.

Q1- How would you characterize competition in the Auto Industry? (1Mark(200 –300 words)

Q2- What do you think are Tesla’s core competencies? Does it have any sources of sustainable competitive advantage? (2Marks(300 -500 words)

Q3- What do you think Tesla’s (or Elon Musk’s) strategic intent is? (2Mark(300 -500 words)


Writing project

Question 2: Eight nations have successfully detonate nuclear weapons and several others are believed to have them. Only one country has ever developed nuclear weapons and then dismantled them. Many nuclear powers feel that the world will be safer by limiting the development of nuclear weapons in other countries. Countries involved in regional conflicts feel that nuclear weapons make them safer and prevent conventional wars. To what extent is it possible to limit the spread of nuclear technology and fissionable materials? How could this be managed? Do you feel that the possession of nuclear weapons by major countries in the Gulf region would make the Middle East more or less stable?

Question 3: The vast majority of scientists agree that climate change is occurring and accelerating. Saudi Arabia is particularly vulnerable with fragile ecosystems and reliance on non-renewable water resources. A recent survey indicates that most Saudis believe that they will be affected by climate change. How do you think Saudi Arabia is vulnerable and how would you suggest preparing for the coming changes.

Question 4: Cyber espionage is an extension of traditional espionage. It allows hostile actors to steal information remotely, cheaply, and on an industrial scale. It can be done with little risk to intelligence officers and agents. Globally, how serious is the threat of cyber epsionage at the moment? What can nations do to protect themselves from attacks? Are cyber espionage missions against neighboring countries ethically and legally responsible?


Python question

Driver’s License Exam

The local driver’s license office has asked you to create an application that grades the written portion of the driver’s license exam. The exam has 20 multiple-choice questions. Here are the correct answers:

1. A

2. C

3. A

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. C

10. B

11. A

12. D

13. C

14. A

15. D

16. C

17. B

18. B

19. D

20. A

Your program should store these correct answers in a list. The program should read the student’s answers for each of the 20 questions from a text file and store the answers in another list. (Create your own text file to test the application.) After the student’s answers have been read from the file, the program should display a message indicating whether the student passed or failed the exam. (A student must correctly answer 15 of the 20 questions to pass the exam.) It should then display the total number of correctly answered questions, the total number of incorrectly answered questions, and a list showing the question numbers of the incorrectly answered questions.



Statistics project


AT6 is a single, extended synoptic, summative assessment delivered over the course of three weeks, in weeks 10, and 11. Portfolio Project assess your QASS learning skills from all TLAs and ATs starting with week 1 through week 9, and to put that into action, which demonstrates your summative work towards meeting this course four intended learning outcomes. You will utilize your knowledge and skills they developed in this course to use applicable QASS software applications and web-based research skills to develop your project and not limited to MS PowerPoint and MS Word documents. The product of this AT from course topics, problem solving, and the use of software applications are aligned with this course four CILOs. You will also create an ePortfolio in Blackboard. This is the step you ONLY DO ONCE. You can add more materials to it later on.


For this task, you will answer questions through a Blackboard Assignment. The output is a report, submitted through blackboard, that describes the entirety of the your work include the formulation of a question, data planning and collection, check assumptions, data transformation, and statistical tests calculations, perform statistical tests using multiple software applications and evaluate hypotheses. You will submit individual portfolio projects as files that get uploaded into blackboard.

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