Category Archives: Research Papers

Art Question

Similarities of the characteristics of neoclassical, realism, and romanticism


Health & Medical Question


Patient Intake and History

The patient is a 26-year-old college graduate who is currently euthymic but who has a history of major depressive episodes

He has experienced major depressive episodes, mostly untreated, of varying lengths and severities since he was a teenager

His symptoms have included insomnia, despondent thoughts, depressed mood, low interest in activities, poor energy, and impaired cognition

He says his self-esteem drops and he feels rejection-sensitive and guilt-ridden for no apparent reason

He has never had suicidal thoughts

Some of the depressive episodes have been incapacitating and have interfered with school and work

He appears to have good inter-episode recovery and is able to return to class and work

The patient also has symptoms of social anxiety

He is often nervous around new people and acquaintances

He experiences anticipatory anxiety and will avoid certain social events

These symptoms are present regardless of his affective state

He has asked for a consultation because he has legal issues regarding drinking and driving that he thinks were likely fueled by his psychiatric symptoms

At the time of the infraction (several months ago, just before graduating college), he had been started on a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) for the depression and SAD symptoms

Within days of starting he experienced elevated mood in a sustained fashion over several days

He lost all anxiety, fear, and avoidance

He was unusually talkative; had racing thoughts; was distractible, hyperactive, and impulsive; and had decreased need for sleep

He exhibited grandiosity, in which he felt invincible and that the law did not apply to him; this led him to purposefully antagonize a man in a bar, drive while drinking, and challenge authority when police were called

The mood elevation is complicated by the fact that the patient admits to heavy alcohol use on weekends throughout college

The mood elevation abated with cessation of the SSRI treatment

He has now completed college; he has few friends in the immediate area but his family is very supportive

He wants to be a news reporter and is planning on applying to graduate school

The patient has no family history of bipolar disorder; his mother has generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

He is not currently taking any medications


  • 98.8

  • 160/80

  • 76

  • 18

  • 5’10”

  • 190 lbs.

Please use the case study template to complete the case and answer the questions listed below:

  1. Does the patient’s history support a diagnosis of bipolar disorder even though his symptoms appear to have been triggered by a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor?

  2. What would be the expected future course of illness for this patient?

  3. If the patient develops another depressive episode, how would you treat it?

  4. What medication would you choose (there could be many correct answers). What is the MOA of this medication? (Be specific i.3. What receptor does it work on, etc.)

  5. Provide and reference a recent research article (Published over the last 3 years) on the medication treatment of Mood Disorders


Computer Science Question

For milestone 3, you will create the literature review (4-5 pages) of your portfolio project.

Here are some resources to complete a literature review:

Expectations are that it will be a scholarly work, using largely peer-reviewed resources, formatted to APA 7 style. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are significantly weighted.


Health & Medical class

want a beautifully designed PPT presentation with visuals and effectsIt consists of 15 slides

The first title and names

(Topic: sectional study )

The last slides references

Requirements: 15 slids

Requirements: i want good work


Accounting question

Critical Thinking Assignment (105 points)


Using the Framingham Heart Study dataset


you will compare the risk factors in men and women where you will use the following patient characteristics: age, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, use of anti-hypertensive medication, current smoker, total serum cholesterol, mg/dL, body mass index (BMI), and diabetes, by determining the means for each risk factor.


Create a table that summarizes your results.


H0 The risk factors for heart disease listed as patient characteristics are not related to if the patient is male or female in the Framingham Heart Study. (Null Hypothesis)
H1 The risk factors for heart disease listed as patient characteristics are related to if the patient is male or female in the Framingham Heart Study. (Alternative Hypothesis)


Steps of R Studio Analysis shown on page 67 in Introductory Statistics with R.


Steps of Excel Analysis


To conduct your analysis of the data sort the data by the Sex/Gender variable and sort by smallest to largest.


Compute the means and standard deviations for continuous variables using AVERAGE(range) and STDEV(range) functions – Compute n(%) for dichotomous variables using COUNT(range) and COUNTIF (range, criteria) functions modifying ranges accordingly.


Present your findings by cutting and pasting your results table in a Word document that includes a title page, introduction, a discussion where you interpret the meaning of the table and a conclusion should be included. Your submission should be 2-3 pages to discuss and display your findings.


Provide support for your statements with in–text citations from a minimum of two scholarly, peer–reviewed articles. One of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the others must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these sources and should be your primary resource for conducting research.


Finance question

1) Assume a fictitious world where there are four stocks:

General Electric (GE)

CitiGroup (C)

British Petroleum (BP)

FaceBook (FB)

The market is in equilibrium where CAPM assumptions hold (e.g. homogeneous expectations, efficient markets, zero transaction costs, etc.)

Express the equilibrium condition for this universe of stocks in terms of each stock’s return contribution and risk contribution. For notation purposes, you can use the symbols rmkt & σmkt to represent the market’s return & risk and rf to represent the risk-free rate. (Note: Students can either type or neatly hand-write the relationship and upload a picture or file containing the expression.)

2) Assume a fictitious world where there are four stocks:

General Electric (GE)

CitiGroup (C)

British Petroleum (BP)

FaceBook (FB)

The market is in equilibrium where CAPM assumptions hold (e.g. homogeneous expectations, efficient markets, zero transaction costs, etc.)

Describe in words, the equilibrium relationship from Question #2 above.

3) Assume a fictitious world where there are four stocks:

General Electric (GE)

CitiGroup (C)

British Petroleum (BP)

FaceBook (FB).

The market is in equilibrium where CAPM assumptions hold (e.g. homogeneous expectations, efficient markets, zero transaction costs, etc.)

What would be the market’s response if the ratio of the contribution to the market’s risk premium divided by the contribution to the market’s variance is higher for BP and lower for FB vs. the other two stocks?


Statistics discussion question

Discussion 3 (Required) – Analyzing Graphs – first post due by Thursday 3/25 and 2nd post due by Sunday 3/28

3131 unread replies.3131 replies.

For this 3rd required discussion, read this article How a year of the COVID-19 pandemic radically altered NC (Links to an external site.), examine the graphs contained in it.

Please keep your work/post focused on the statistical aspects of the article and graphs – do not turn it into a political discussion.
Remember to respect each other and any behavior that demeans, belittles, threatens, or causes distress to a person in this class will be reported to the Dean for Students and may possibly result in a Student Conduct Board Hearing. (See the Code of Student Conduct (Links to an external site.) for more details – specifically pages 141-148)

  1. For your first post that must be made by Thursday 3/25 (late posts not accepted for credit – see syllabus for details), choose 1 of the 15 graphs to analyze. You will not see your classmates posts before you post your own. Do not make an empty post so you can then see everyone else’s posts before making your own. Students who do this will have their score for their first post reduced for not following directions and/or cheating.

    This first post must include all 4 items below:

    1. A screenshot/picture of the graph you chose (Must upload using the images upload button, or the file attachment button. Copying and pasting, or dragging the file to the body of the post will not work)

    2. Discuss the type of data collected.

    3. Address the timeline for your chart, is it appropriate?

    4. Create a narrative for this chart, what does it tell the reader about the impacts of the Pandemic? It should have substance and reflect statistical thinking and analysis.

  2. For your second post that must be made by Sunday 3/28: Respond to at least 1 classmate that selected a different chart than yours and comment on their analysis.

    How well/accurately did they cover the 4 items? Describe one thing they addressed/discussed that made you think differently about that chart or you thought was insightful. This should be more than a “good job” and “I liked…” post. It should be more than 2-3 sentences of “fluff”. It should have substance and reflect statistical thinking and analysis.

Note that the deadline in Canvas is for the first post on the 25th, but the discussion is available until the 28th for you to make your 2nd post. If you make your first post by the deadline, then your second post will not be considered late, even when posted after the deadline – Canvas just looks to see that the first post meets the deadline. Unfortunately, there is not a way to set two different deadlines on an assignment/discussion.


Contemporary Issues in Accounting

All requirements in the attachment

Similarity should be less than 5%
plagrisim report is needed

for any clarification please ask


Translate from Arabic to English

This file needs to be translated from Arabic to English please.

Everything and every word needs to be translated, in a formal language.


Management question

1.In SPC, control charts fall into two categories: Variable and Attribute Control Charts. What are the variable control charts? What are the attribute control charts? (5 pt)

2.SPC control charts have been applied to improve the healthcare systems. Give an example where the variable control chart is used and an example where control the attribute control chart is used. (5 pt)

3.Control Charts Help Health Systems Visualize Existing Process Variation. How? Explain with a healthcare example. (10 pt)

4.Control Charts Guide Improvement Strategy in Health Systems. Explain with a healthcare example. (10 pt)

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