Cochlear Implant Device

Project Report and Presentation Slide Deck shall include:

1. Title of the machine, or device, or components, or special facility of your project

2. Description of your project purpose, benefits to users, risk of your product, and impact assessment

3. Project checklist

4. Documentation: patent filing, 510k filing, other legal filing, etc.

5. Presentation report and slide deck

Additional Information for “Project Preparation Report”:

1- Phase One: “Project Scope of Work” preparation report in power presentation format

A- Identifier and Discovery (one slide or more)

1- Your identifier (findings): what is un-met need; what is your new need that is not available today

2- Provide study statement and evidences to justify your opinion / idea

B- Invent and Design Concept (two slides or more)

1- Brain Storm and Technical Evaluation: explore your idea, concept and opportunities for improvement, new development

2- Technical Assistance: using graphics, pictures, models, video and engineering design concept to demonstrate your Invent / Design Concept

C- Regulatory study: GMP requirements, product application, product’s efficacy safety and quality evaluation

2- Phase Two “Invent and Implementation”



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