Communications question


Under “Past” number 1-10 and list ten things you think you may want to discuss while talking about your past in your Autobiographical Speech. Do the same for the “Present”, and “Future”. When you talk about your future, I want you to think of your hopes,


Online Speech Preparation Worksheet

Name ____________________________________Section_____________________________________

1. What is the topic of your speech?_______________________________________________________

2. Are you delivering a recorded or real-time online speech?____________________________________

3. What is your specific purpose statement?_________________________________________________


4. What is your central idea?_____________________________________________________________


5. What method of organization will you use in the speech?____________________________________

6. State in full sentences the main points to be developed in the body of your speech.




7. What steps will you take to control the visual environment of your speech? Explain with regard to each of the following. Be specific.

a. Setting:___________________________________________________________________________

b. Lighting:__________________________________________________________________________

c. Framing:__________________________________________________________________________

d. Eye contact:_______________________________________________________________________

e. Personal appearance:________________________________________________________________

8. What steps will you take to adapt your nonverbal communication to the online environment? Be specific.




9. Will you use visual aids in your speech? If the answer is yes, explain the content of each aid and how you will work the aids into your speech.




10. Who is the audience for your speech? What steps will you take to adapt your remarks to their background, knowledge, attitudes, and interests?




11. How will you practice your speech for online presentation? How will your practice differ from rehearsing for an in-person speech?




12. What software will you use for your online speech? Even if you have used the software before for other purposes (Skype, for instance), what steps do you need to take to make sure you can use it expertly for your online speech?




13. Can you answer yes to all the questions on the checklist for Presenting an Online Speech found in your textbook?


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