Computer Science Question
Name: _____________________________________
- Open Cisco Packet Tracer and place a 4321 router in the workspace.
- Log in to the router. If prompted to enter the initial setup mode, answer no. Enter enable to enter into Enable Mode. What does the prompt on the router display?
- Enter configure terminal at the enable mode prompt. What does the prompt display?
Configuring the hostname of the router
- To change the name of the router go into the global config of the router and type hostname R1 and press Enter. What does the prompt display after pressing Enter? ____________________________
Configuring the IP addresses for interfaces
- Configure the GigabitEthernet port 0/0/0. In the global config of the router type in the following command:
interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 What does the prompt display? __________________________
- Then type in:
ip address Press Enter
no shutdown Press Enter
exit Press Enter
- Now configure the GigabitEthernet 0/0/1. In the global config type in the following commands:
interface g 0/0/1
ip address
no shutdown
- At the prompt type in show ip interface brief. Does the interfaces you configured show up in the list? ______________________
Configuring the local host table
- Configure the local host table put type in the following commands at the global config of the router:
ip host R2
ip host R3
- To verify the configuration type in show hosts and press Enter. Do the hosts you created show up? __________________
Saving and viewing the configuration
- Type in copy run start. This will save all of the configuration into NVRAM so in case the router reboots, the configuration is saved.
- Type in show run. Verify that all of the configuration you have done shows up in the running config.
End of Procedure