Conduct and Observation and write a short Report on the Experience

Part 1 Observation

For this assignment, You will conduct an Observation at a Middle school for 7th and 8th graders that are in a special education class .These students have different needs like Special needs that include cognitive difficulties, physical or sensory difficulties, emotional and behavioral difficulties, and difficulties with speech and language. There are also 2 para educators to assist the students. The special education class consisted of 9 special education students You will observe an Adaptive reading assessment, by a special educator. Please discuss if students needed help. What type of help, How many worked independently?

In the observation It must look like you observed a real teacher and real students. Please include What grade level? What needs? How many students? Always establish the setting up front as I am not there and do not know what you are seeing. How many got acodomodations extra time to complete test?

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