Contemporary ethics

Whenever you read or hear an interesting or questionable argument about an ethical issue, remember or copy it, then write a summary [if it is online, give a URL link] and comment for the Dustbin. Whenever one of your classmates posts an argument or comment that seems interesting or questionable, write a response for the Dustbin.

You should start at least one thread in each forum in the first two weeks that it is open. You should also respond to at least one of your classmates’ threads in each forum–you have three weeks to do this.

The best grades will go to posts which:

  • summarize clearly and accurately

  • comment or critique incisively

  • are alert to the complexity of ethical concepts and issues

  • are sensitive to the nuances, ambiguities and beauties of language

  • show an understanding of ethical principles and approaches, and an ability to apply them

  • maintain civility even in disagreement.

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