A. Statement of Context: The Starting Picture:


Open with a statement that describes the context in which YOUR TEAM is negotiating generally.Do not include information about the other teams’ contexts – this is focused on your context for your proposed location and operations.

o Country demographics

o Cultural issues relating to consumers (location, food, farm-to-table, etc.)

o Relevant industry data

o Geographical information

o Any other relevant demographics or information you feel that informs YOUR country’s position.


o Feel free to include infographics, data images (tables, figures) and anything you think helps strengthen your Statement of Context

B. Team Goals

o What are your team’s goals, underlying interests, and priorities in this negotiation? Answer questions such as these for each of your goals:

  • Specify your target, reservation point, and expected ZOPA for each of these
  • Allocate priorities/strength to your goals. What are your “must-haves,” your “it-would-be-nice-to-haves,” and your “not-a-big-deal” goals?

o What is your best alternative (BATNA) to this deal? Would you immediately be able to implement it if you were unable to reach agreement with the other side? Describe your BATNA in detail, including how desirable it is to you.

o What, if anything, would make you decide to walk away without a deal?


You do not have to do this part, I am including it just in case you needed to understand the full idea of the assignment

C. Your Team’s Cultural Issues that Affect Negotiation: In Depth

o Describe the characteristics of your negotiating team’s culture, using evidence (sources) to support your conclusion.

  • Use Salacuse’s dimensions (2004) (found in Ch.10 of PNO) generally, to structure your discussion
  • Use outside sources to identify where your team’s culture falls in these negotiating style dimensions (the more, the better here!)

o Explain how these characteristics you’ve identified about your culture apply to your negotiation practices in your assigned roles.

D. Cultural Issues that Affect Negotiation: Other Teams

  • Describe the characteristics of the other 3 countries’ negotiating cultures, using evidence (sources) to support your conclusion.

o Use Salacuse’s dimensions (2004) (found in Ch.10 of PNO) generally, to structure your discussion.

o Use outside sources to talk about what the other negotiating parties’ cultures are like. You do not need to go as in depth as you did with your culture, but do cite support for your position.

  • What are the most important cultural differences between and among the various cultures involved in the cross-cultural simulation in terms of negotiation practices? What are the similarities?

o By doing this, you can see who is likely to support you in certain of your approaches, and who is not

o Feel free to make a table or other visual if it helps you make your points here – this is your team’s negotiation plan, so it is important that it be usable and thorough for your negotiation team to use before and during negotiations

E. The Other Side – Goals & BATNA — Trying to Get in their Head

  • For each of the 3 other negotiating teams: What do you think their main goals are? Why do you think that?
  • For each of the 3 other negotiating teams: What is your best prediction of their BATNA? Are they strong or weak BATNAs, in your view?

F. Negotiating Dynamics

  • What should be your team’s strategy (distributive, integrative or a mixture) both overall for each of your specific issues? Which team(s) do you think would make good allies?

o Use this section to show off your understanding of strategy concepts in depth! Your book and videos will be a great help with this.



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