CS 177 – Project Milestone #3

CS 177 – Project Milestone #3

Part 1: Setup your milestone3.py file
The Python program file should be setup with the following guidelines:
• Start with a fully-functional, complete milestone2.py program with all outstanding issues resolved
• File name is milestone3.py
• All library import statements should be at the top of the file
• File includes a header describing program, its purpose and function
• Header includes your name, the program name (milestone3.py) and a description of its function
• All Python code should be contained within function definitions
• Plan and fully document your program changes using descriptive pseudocode comments

CS 177 – Project Milestone #3

Part 2: Create the Black-n-Goldtzee Scorecard window
Define a new, separate function that creates the Black-n-Goldtzee
Scorecard window. This should closely match the example shown here and
this function should accomplish the following tasks:
• Create a 400×600 Graphics window with a black background titled
• Using Text objects, create the title and column labels using Helvetica
font using the appropriate location, size and color to match the
example as closely as possible.
• Create an Entry box, width 10 and anchored at 300,550 using
24pt, white Courier font. Strings displayed in this Entry box
should be right-aligned and initially be “0” as shown.
• Create five gold Lines (width 5) to create the outside and horizontal
border as seen in the Scorecard window example.
• Return the Graphics window and the Entry box objects.



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