Debate Research and Discussion

TOPIC: Should HIV+ mothers breast feed their babies?

  • You will find 4 peer-reviewed primary research articles to support each side of the debate.

  • very briefly outline the debate, and then for each article, you will write a paragraph briefly summarizing the study findings and how they support one side of the argument.

  • Your concluding paragraph should address your thoughts on what you learned. In a paragraph, state which article or articles were most convincing. Keeping in mind that one or two studies don’t prove anything, which article(s) made the strongest case? Why?

  • PLEASE do a pdf copy of each of your 4 research study articles.

  • The paper describing the debate and the findings of the article should be 4 pages long

  • Introduction – what is the debate?

  • How does the research presented in each article support one position of the debate?

  • Sum up – which research article(s) make(s) the best argument

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