Design a thorough and rigorous method of project categorization and prioritization including methodology for analyzing data as well as results.

Write a 2-page, 12 point font, 1.5 spaced answering these questions based on the scenario attached.

1. Design a thorough and rigorous method of project categorization and prioritization including methodology for analyzing data as well as results.

2. Design a holistic and comprehensive plan for the governance of IT spending and benefits delivery at all levels. Include a list of stakeholders, identify which IT spending decisions are made at which level, how decisions are made, what design principles went into your determination of how the group operates

3. Design an annual IT planning process that provides transparency and accountability for all types of IT spending and creates an integrated and strategically aligned development portfolio. Include details outlining how frequently decisions are made, what decision criteria is used including metrics, and provide realistic numbers where possible.



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