Design an e-portfolio


For this assignment, you will use the website to create an e-portfolio. Username: mtuno003 Password: Ms780066_ click on the tab “Learn” on the left side of the screen. Then, click on “Tutorials” on the left, top side of the screen. View the Creat/ Edit LiveBinder Tutorial. Watch the tutorial. Make sure to follow the directions below.

Design an e-portfolio to be used with preschool children. Include (1) sections or dividers for the portfolio, (2) the types of teacher assessments you would use, and (3) a description of how you would report the child’s progress to parents. Put in hypothetical contents in each section for an imaginary child. Write a narrative report to summarize the child’s progress based on entries in the portfolio.

  1. Then, share your e-portfolio by saving the link in a PDF file and posting your document in the discussion board.

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