Discuss How Netflix Use Amazon Web Services.

This Project discuss How Netflix Use Amazon Web Services. The world today is evolving technologically. Companies are increasingly searching for new forms of technologically, like cloud computing, to drive their values and meet their goals. This paper will assess how companies and organizations are using cloud computing to adopt efficient technologies and enhance productivity. Cloud computing is “computing on a network of remote servers accessible over the web, to store, manage, and process data.” It uses cloud providers’ services like data centers as opposed to having built its infrastructure. For Netflix, they moved their services 100 percent to Amazon Web Services (AWS). To better analyze this, this paper will focus on how Netflix has adopted and used Amazon Web Services to reach its level of success today.

Netflix uses Amazon Web Services to enhance its innovations. A cloud can be described as an enabling technology for AI to mine and perform analysis for deep insights. AWS contributes to the innovation success of accelerators for artificial intelligence. An accelerator for this case is a microprocessor that gives artificial intelligence, for example, machine learning and computer vision hardware acceleration (Wayne). Nonetheless, Amazon Web Services have more advantage over non-cloud artificial intelligence. That means that its extensive global network is positioned better or can process large amounts of data produced worldwide, taking into account that Netflix is used worldwide. Therefore, Netflix uses Amazon Web Services to improve its innovations to satisfy its users worldwide.

Netflix uses AWS to improve its agility. This is the rapid provisioning of computer resources. Before situations where companies took off with IaaS, Netflix had to email their suppliers for infrastructures and wait for quite long for the supplier to respond to their orders; now, the cloud environment offers computation in minutes. AWS executes the IaaS delivery system, thus allowing for faster release of contemporary features (Wayne). Therefore, they reduce the time the company takes to test, develop, and deploy new programs. For Netflix Company, with such a speed, they can implement many programs, and thus the management becomes more planned and aware of the budget assessments and approvals. The hardware is gradually a constraint for their processes and, therefore, continues to grow to become a global internet television.

Netflix uses AWS to enhance its scalability. The scalability of software is based on its ability to retain its intended functions with no quality compromise when shifted to an environment where customers are more “radical.” Any company or organization must acknowledge and use the users’ wants and needs when developing a program, and the response time should also be relatively low (Nguyen). Using Amazon Web Services (AWS), Netflix can expand its server networks globally (Donnelley). Running the AWS can provide billions of service hours to all its customers around the world. This is in contrast to a few DVDs orders Netflix could provide prior migrating to Amazon Web Services.

In 2018, most companies adopted professional cloud servers in search of solutions and cybersecurity. However, all cloud services are the same, and they enhance innovation, scalability, and agility. Enterprise innovation is now upon cloud machines learning models and, more importantly, data analytics. If it will continue using Amazon Web Services, Netflix is expected to grow at a fast rate and expand its services more widely. Therefore, most companies should now head into their boardrooms to discuss how to increase cloud-computing services to their strategies.

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