
By most economic measures, the U.S is still a relatively rich country, however, there are many people here who live well below the poverty line and cannot afford basic healthcare.

One of the areas in which the U.S. is lacking is basic health care. Economists have debated over the years if we should consider socialized health care or some hybrid of it.

Your discussion this week is:

Has the time come to consider socialized health care or some hybrid, why or why not?

You are required to make three postings for this discussion. Your initial post should be at least 300 words and due by Wednesday, your two subsequent posts (responses to your classmates) should be at least 200 words each and due before the discussion closes. The word requirement guidelines will be strictly enforced and you are required to submit a WORD COUNT with each posting (In past semesters, I had a handful of students who posted a few lines and expected to get the same grades as those who make postings with significant content).

Because you are not subject matter experts, you are required to do some basic research on this topic and use/cite at least two academic sources(not including your text book or websites such as, Wikipedia, ProCon websites, learnliberty.org, articles/websites with unknown authors, you can only use sources with reputable authors when constructing your initial post). You are required to use in text citations along with a WORKS CITED at the end of your document. The most important reasons to employ a citation style such as the APA method is to ensure you are giving due credit to others for the ideas that you are using as a basis for your essay. Any ideas or research you incorporate that is not your own must be cited, otherwise you risk being accused of plagiarism.You are required to use in text citations along with a WORKS CITED at the end of your document.



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