EDU 208 English Language Learners

EDU 208 English Language Learners

Theme A Topic 1:

In your writing you MUST answer all of the below prompts:

  • Discuss two essential differences between literacy and reading?

  • What are some specific concepts that make it challenging to learn English?

Theme A Topic 2:

Video Analysis: Watch the video below and answer the prompts based on the your sophisticated understanding of our course content and the information presented in the video.

Words Their Way Teacher Small Group

Words Their Way Teacher Small Group (Links to an external site.)Words Their Way Teacher Small Group

  • Which of the following literacy programs best matches what is utilized in the video : Phonic, Whole Language, Balanced literacy or Emergent literacy? (You can only select 1).
    • Provide 3 specific examples from the video to support your perspective.
    • What are the advantages/benefits of this approach? What are the challenges of the approach?

EDU 208 English Language Learners

Theme B- Supporting English Language Learners

*In this section you are required to cite MORE than 3 videos from our course (focus on videos found in Theme 1 and 2) .

Macro Prompt: Please write a 2-3 page response where you discuss how schools and teachers support English Language Learners towards the acquisition of English as a language. Make sure you connect your discussion to specific information from our course content specifically YouTube videos, textbook/readings, class lecture notes etc. .

In your writing you MUST answer all of the below prompts:

  • How do schools/educators determine the level of English proficiency of an English Language learner?

  • What types of supports or services are used by schools/educators to aid the language development of ELLs?

  • How is the classroom setup to support ELL students? How is the classroom setup to encourage English language acquisition?

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