environmental barriers

The University of South Florida’s Presidential Advisory Committee has tasked your team of public health professionals with a
Photovoice investigation of a Healthy People 2030 objective for USF. Your team will do the following:
1. Build your teamwork skills and team capacity to work online by holding a meeting online and submitting a
team contract
2. Select an objective from Healthy People 2030 to serve as the focus of your investigation
3. Develop research questions related to your objective and what the barriers/facilitators of achieving this
objective might be, with a focus on USF students
4. Use a modified version of Photovoice (due to COVID-19) to answer your questions related to perceived
facilitators and barriers to the objective and
5. Develop a set of recommendations that could be shared with the USF President and the committee
All of this will be documented in a Final Group Project presentation, delivered via a narrated PowerPoint presentation that
one team member will post in a discussion forum near the end of the semester. You will be provided with details related to
each of the above components as well as a planning timeline to assist you. Please note that there is NO REQUIREMENT for
your group to meet in person. You can, as individuals, locate photographs through internet searches and share your findings
with your teammates. There is no requirement for any photos to be taken in person. You must cite all photos found online
Details about Your Team
You will be assigned to a small team in week 2. You can communicate with your group through the ‘Group Project Team’ link
under ‘Discussions’ or by clicking on ‘Groups’ and ‘Project Groups’ in the far left sidebar in Canvas. Each group member is
responsible for reviewing the Healthy People 2030 objectives and background as well as the information below on how to
complete the group project and presentation.
Teamwork Skills and Team Capacity Building
The first step of your investigation is to develop your team capacity (you will be assigned to your team in week 2). You will do
this by:
1. Reviewing relevant team building information in week 2 and communicating with your team in Canvas
2. Meeting online as a team
3. The third step is to complete a team contract with the template provided and submit it for approval to your
instructor. It will be critical to your team contract that all members have reviewed the materials for this assignment,
including information about Photovoice and Healthy People 2030. Likewise, the provided planning timeline should
assist your team in preparing to complete its investigation.

Team Online Meeting Coordination (due date in Canvas)
Your second team task is to “meet” each other online.
Setting up an online meeting: You will use Doodle (www.doodle.com) to set up an online poll to identify the best date and
time for an online meeting for all of your group members. Please send your Doodle link to your instructor. After all team
members have responded and you have identified the date and time for your online meeting, you will share this meeting
information with your instructor via Canvas. If you have any questions at this point, it is a good time to ask.
Initial Team Online Meeting (due date in Canvas)
Your team will use Microsoft Teams (https://www.usf.edu/it/documentation/office365/0365-students.aspx )to set up a call
(can be audio or video) and record your initial team meeting. During your team meeting you will do introductions and talk
about the assignment and as well as what tasks need to be accomplished to complete your team contract. You should also
identify the best way to communicate as a team. We also strongly encourage you to use the discussion forum for your group
in Canvas, as this allows us to provide support/feedback when needed, while allowing you to document your individual and
team participation levels. One team member will submit the link to the team online meeting recording on behalf of the
group to the instructor via email.
Team Contract (due date in Canvas)
You must complete a Team Contract. You may need to have an additional online meeting or communicate asynchronously to
complete this contract. The team contract template (download in Canvas to complete) should help your team develop your
own individual plan for completing the group project. The planning timeline should also help.
Learning to work effectively in groups can be a valuable experience. It is entirely up to your group to decide how you want to
divide the project tasks. For example, it is not necessary for everyone’s voice to materialize in the narration; one might be the
group leader, another might be responsible for managing narration, others for editing photos, collecting all group members’
photos, others for writing the narrative transcript, and someone else for recording the narration, etc. The only concern is that
everyone works as a team by contributing equitably and responsibly to the final product.
Please note your decisions in your team contract.
A Note on Group Issues
As part of your contract your team should document how they will deal with group issues/conflicts. The instructor should be
contacted if any group issues arise. A group may decide to dismiss a member, after following pre-determined steps, if he/she
does not fulfill his/her role. Please note that the instructor must be contacted prior to any team member being dismissed
from a team and have evidence that demonstrates a lack of team member engagement. The instructor will attempt to
resolve issues, prior to moving to a dismissal. Groups that communicate effectively and frequently, rarely, if ever, have
issues with a team member. If a team member is dismissed, that individual is responsible for approaching any other groups
and asking to join them. Any other group is not required to include a new team member.
The group has until the 4th week of classes to dismiss a member. If you fail to participate in a Group Presentation and
complete the project on your own, you will receive a zero for the peer evaluation portion of the grade. Please review the
grading rubric (at the bottom and in the assignment itself in canvas) to see how the group presentation will be evaluated.
Group Presentation Outline (due date in Canvas)
You will be required to submit an outline of the Powerpoint presentation mid-semester as an opportunity to get feedback on
your project. This portion of the assignment is worth 5 points of your total grade. Your outline should include:
• the title of your project,
• objective (including the objective reference number),
• 2-3 research questions to guide your PhotoVoice investigation (what do you want to find out about your objective
and its related behaviors? Barriers? Facilitators?,
• headings for each level of the Socioecological model, and
• a list of ideas for photographs that represent a barrier or facilitator of your objective under each level.
The outline should be submitted as a Word document.
Global Citizens Group Project and Presentation Overview & Detail (due date in Canvas)
As a reminder, here is the scenario again…
The University of South Florida’s Presidential Advisory Committee has tasked your team of public health professionals with a
Photovoice investigation of a Healthy People 2030 objective for USF. Your team will do the following:
1. Build your teamwork skills and team capacity to work online by holding a meeting online and submitting a
team contract
2. Select an objective from Healthy People 2030 to serve as the focus of your investigation
3. Develop research questions related to your objective and what the barriers/facilitators of achieving this
objective might be, with a focus on USF students
4. Use Photovoice to answer your questions related to perceived facilitators and barriers to the objective and
5. Develop a set of recommendations that could be shared with the USF President and the committee
All of this will be documented in a Final Group P

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