• Why does population growth and urbanization lead to an increase in “Natural Disasters”?
  • Vulnerability of population to natural disasters depends on several factors. What are some factors?
  • World population has doubled since ______ (decade, not year)?
  • Why are weather related disasters increasing when compared to geological related disasters?
  • Understand reason for decadal trends associated with natural disasters (why trends increase or decrease):

1) population affected        2) economic impact           3) deaths.

Origin of the Earth       only exam

  • Be familiar with these terms and they connect (could you use these terms to explain how the solar system formed):
  • supernova;
  • nebular theory:
  • Nebula:
  • Outgassing:
  • Differentiation:
  • Kuiper Belt:
  • Oort Cloud:
  • Asteroids and comets:
  • Where did they come from? 6 billion?
  • What and where is the Asteroid Belt? What are Earth-crossing asteroids?
  • Know the difference between asteroids and comets: composition and where they are found
  • What is a meteor? meteorite? Tunguska–what happened and where?
  • Shoemaker-Levy 9 (what and where?) “Meteor Crater”– where is this located?  Recent compared to age of Earth?
  • Early Earth’s atmosphere and oceans–how did they form?
  • What is the age of Earth? Age of oldest continental rocks?  why is there a difference between Earth and oldest rocks

Geologic Time Scale:  for lecture, there will be more for lab  only exam

  • Know the three Eras (Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic), and the age in millions of years ago they began.
  • Where would you place the Precambrian (when does this begin) and Phanerozoic on the geologic time scale?


Earth structure: quiz and exam

  • Know Earth’s layers and the physical nature of each: crust; mantle (upper, lower); core (inner and outer); Which 2 layers make up the upper mantle? What is the difference between the lithosphere and asthenosphere?  Know the difference between oceanic and continental crust.  What is the average thickness of oceanic and continental crust?   Why is the crust not considered to be a part of the upper mantle?


  • Radioactivity– Be familiar with the following terms and their connection: decay, half-life, isotope, parent, daughter element?
  • Why should you know something about radioactive decay? (2 reasons)
  • Alfred Wegener? Evidence supporting Wegener’s hypothesis?  Pangaea?
  • What is convection? Does convection occur in the lower mantle?  Driving force for plates?

PLATE TECTONICS: quiz and exam

  • Tectonic plate: composition (think of Earth’s layers)?
  • Where is ocean crust created and destroyed? Looking at the 3 major ocean basins, what is the approximate age of oldest ocean crust on the seafloor (think 3 major ocean basins)? –where can you find it in general (think in relation to the MOR)?
  • What is seafloor spreading? Harry Hess—evidence to support?
  • Where can we find extensive evidence that Earth’s magnetic field has periods of normal and reverse polarity? What is normal and reverse polarity?  Does the magnetic north pole always correlate with the geographic North Pole?  Why does the Earth have a magnetic field? Polarity today?
  • How does paleomagnetism support the theory of plate tectonics?
  • What are the 3 driving forces of plate motion? How do they work?
  • What is convection and how does it differ from conduction? Example of convection in Earth?



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