ESL 1000 Research Inquiry Project

For the Research Inquiry project, you are required to complete several stages of the research writing process and to write a brief research essay (4 to 6 pages excluding title page and reference list, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font, 1-inch margins all around, APA citation style).

Your research inquiry should be a summary and synthesis of a current issue relating to reconciliation with Indigenous communities in Canada. Specifically, you will select one of the Calls to Action as written by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. This will be the topic of your research inquiry.

Your assignments for the inquiry include the following:
1. Annotated bibliography (10%) Due in class on March 19th
a. Select 3 sources: one from TRC website (link on Moodle), one scholarly article specifically about Canada’s indigenous communities published in a Canadian scholarly journal within the past 5 years, and one newspaper article
b. Formulate a preliminary thesis statement, based on the sources you have selected
c. Write an annotated bibliography with 2-3 sentences for each source. The sentences should answer the following questions: (1) Describe what the source is about? (2) Explain why this source is useful to your paper? You must include the APA citations for your 3 sources.
2. Draft introduction (5%) Due in class March 26th
a. Write the introductory paragraph for your essay. The introduction should include a general introduction to your topic and its significance, a description of your sources, your thesis statement, and an outline of your essay.
3. Research essay (20%) Due April 2nd on Moodle
a. The essay should have a cover page, clear introduction, main body paragraphs, conclusion, and a reference list.
b. Your paper should do the following:
▪ Introduction
• Introduce your topic and explain the significance/importance of this topic; explain your position on the topic and formulate the argument you are making (thesis statement); and, provide an outline of your essay;
▪ Body
• Support your argument using evidence from your sources, including direct quotes and paraphrases, with in-text citations in APA format
▪ Conclusion
• Summarize and synthesize your argument to conclude your paper

ESL 1000 Research Inquiry Project

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