Students will individually complete a case analysis of Case 45 American Greetings. There are
three due dates relevant for this case. The initial case writeup is due for anonymous peer review
Tuesday, February 23 by 12:30 p.m. to Students will be assigned two cases
to peer review and provide feedback (one fellow student and your own case). This feedback is
due Thursday, February 25 by 12:30 p.m. Students will then revise their cases based on peer
feedback and the final case submission is due by Thursday, March 4 by 12:30 p.m. (uploaded to
Blackboard). The case must be completed individually (i.e., completed without consulting with
other students) and the document will be checked via SafeAssign for plagiarism. You may not use
any materials or data aside from that presented in the case. The rubric on page 2 will detail how
grades are calculated.
This case will be returned to you no later than Tuesday, March 16 with comments and critique of
the writing clarity and technique only. Students can then choose to revise the writing clarity and
technique only and resubmit the case via Blackboard no later than Tuesday, March 23 by 12:30
p.m. The writing portion only will be regraded and the student’s final grade for the case will be an
average of the two grades.


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