Find a good or bad hospitality company or tourist destination ad in print or digital media

Find a good or bad hospitality company or tourist destination ad in print or digital media (i.e. magazine, tourist guide, newspaper). Submit 1-2 page (single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt font) discussing why you think it is good or bad advertising and how it can be improved. Provide a copy of the ad (picture or scan).

Using the textbook (Chapter 13) and material provided by the instructor, identify each ad’s design components such as target market, source (type of magazine, newspaper, etc.), purpose, message content, execution style, and layout and design. Then, evaluate the ad’s effectiveness. A “good” ad has congruity and synergy among all these components (That is, it has the right source, right content, right style, and right layout and design for its target market and purpose). Also, discuss what you would change to further improve the ad’s effectiveness.



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