Geology 1: Crustal Deformation & Mountain Building, Earthquakes

Chap 9- Crustal Deformation & Mountain Building
1. Know the types of faults that form in brittle regime (or rocks)
2. Know the types of folds (3 types) that form in ductile regime (or rocks)
3. Be able to sketch and/or normal faults, reverse faults, strike slip faults, anticlines
and synclines; also be able to visually identify those structures
4. Know the type of stress that creates normal faults, reverse faults, strike slip faults,
anticlines and synclines
5. How do rocks respond to differential stress at different depths inside the Earth?
Be specific about each type of stress (shear, tensional, and compression) naming
the structures that occur. Remember that rocks become ductile at depth due to
increase temperature and depth. So, make sure to name both the brittle structures
and ductile structures that form under different stresses.
Chap 9- Earthquakes
6. Explain the mechanisms of how earthquakes occur
7. What are the four types of seismic waves? Explain each one in terms of its
characteristics (arrival time to a seismogram, type of movement, velocity, material
it travels through)

8. Describe the steps you would go through to determine the source of an
earthquake, provided you had access to three seismographs that recorded the
9. Explain what the Modified Mercalli scale measures and how it is used to assess
what occurred to a region after a great earthquake. You just need to understand
how it works, so don’t memorize the details of the scale itself.
10. Describe the phenomenon of liquefaction in earthquakes and why it occurs. What
happens? How can it affect buildings? What can be done to prevent damage to
buildings in areas prone to liquefaction?
11. Be able to read the graph used in class that shows p-and s- wave travel time
curves. You should be able to tell how far a wave travels in a given time or how
much time it takes for a wave to travel a given distance.



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