Introduction to ethics Week 8 Case study

Ethics Case Study #3: Making a decision as a manager. Who will you promote? The department manager below you has retired. You have the responsibility of choosing the next manager. Four candidates from outside the department were considered along with two from inside the department. Upper management has urged you to make an “inside” hire if there is someone qualified, because business is currently tight and profit margins are very narrow. The company is wanting to trim the workforce through retirement and those who leave for other reasons and try to avoid laying off workers. Since the two candidates inside the department are both qualified, you believe you can work within those preferred guidelines. Here is a partial description of the two candidates.

  • One candidate is an older worker who has been with the company for close to thirty-five years and would be retiring in another five years. She has a good employment record, other employees like her, and you believe she would be compatible with the rest of the work force. However, she is the less qualified candidate of the two candidates as far as education. She has no college degree. Also, in recent projects in the department, she has not played a leading role. However, she has served on some of the committees.

  • The other candidate is in his late 20s, only having been with the company for about four years. He has a college degree in engineering and has already been the team leader in several projects in the department. His working relationship with other employees is also quite good. He is anxious to move up into higher management. You are aware that another company recently showed interest in trying to hire him away.

You believe either individual would do a good job as a leader. Which one would you choose as the new department manager? On what basis?

Study each topic as described in the case study, consulting the suggested biblical resources, and analyze the situation.

  • What are the ethical issues in the situation (e.g., honesty, faithfulness, protection of the helpless, or something else)?

  • What are possible motives that at work here? (e.g., selfishness, good will, love)

  • What are possible consequences of different actions one could take?

  • What do you think would be the best course of action?

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