Lab Leyden Jar

Lab 10 Leyden Jar:PurposeStudents will build and experiment with a simple capacitor.TheoryThe Leyden Jar(“LIEden”) was the first effective capacitor. Itholdscharge via polarization of atoms in the nonconductive jar walls onceitsinduced there by a voltage difference between the inner and outer conductive layers. The chargingterminalconnectedtothe jar’s internal conductor mustbe very smoothbecause pointy surfaces leak charge rapidly via coronal discharge.Figure 10:A classic Leyden Jar in cutaway.This activity usesthe electrophorus and pithball pendulum from before.Procedure1.Find a bottle or jar made of glass or plastic and fill it with tap water,as this is a decent interior conductive body.2.Wrap the lid very smoothly in foil, and drape some around inside the lid and down so that whenthe lid is lightly threaded on, foiltouchesthe water. If foil is unavailable, a nail can be driven through the lidfrom the top so that the point sticks down intothe water.3.If available, wrap the whole jar infoil up to about 2cm of the lid. It is very important that the exterior foil does not touch the lid. If foil is unavailable, the bottle mustbe held inone hand when charge is applied to the lid metal to act as the exterior conductor.4.Using an electrophorus, charge up the Leyden Jar by touching the charged electrophorus plate to the lid’s metal (meaning the foil on it or the nail).5.Without accidentally touching the lid metal and discharging the jar, try to use the lid metal to power a pithball pendulum: Lid metal on one side of it, finger on the other, very close but not touching. Oscillation of the pendulum between the two means it works.6.Assuming success up to this point, try to charge the jar, wait five minutes, and test it. Then try an hour. A welldesigned Leyden Jar (much better than this one) can hold charge for months!AnalysisAnswer thefollowingon Canvas viacomplete, grammaticalsentences:1.Why is the outer conductive layer helpful when charging the jar? It isn’t even in contact with the lid and water!2.The simplest general equation for the capacitance(effectiveness holdingacharge) of a capacitor isC=εA/z. The three variables are: ε, the permittivity or polarizability of the insulating layer (in this case the glass or plastic); A, the total area ofeither conductive layerincontact withthe insulator; and z, the thickness of the insulating layer:What arethethree ways to improve a Leyden Jar, in theory, based on this equation?



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