Law case study

you are required to submit a skeleton argument. The skeleton argument should outline your key submissions and the authorities you intend to cite in support of your arguments. The word limit is 500 words.

I have included the case file below.

You will be assessed according to your level of achievement of Learning Outcome 3, which states:

3. Compose appropriate legal written arguments on the admissibility of evidence.

In order to achieve this learning outcome you will need to demonstrate:

  • An understanding of the relevant rules of evidence and their application to the facts of the case;

  • An ability to research relevant rules and issues and construct a coherent and logical argument;

  • Adoption of language and style that is appropriate to the intended audience.

You will be expected to show:

  • Skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant legal rules, principles and concepts.

  • Knowledge and understanding of relevant legal rules, principles and concepts.

  • Appropriate research in preparation of your skeleton argument.

  • Proficient use of legal and other information and materials.

  • An understanding of the intended audience.

  • Present your work using an appropriate structure and format; and effective and precise written English.

Please see the marking grid which is available on Moodle for specific information on the marking bands for this assessment.

In particular,

first-class answer is likely to:

  • Demonstrate a high level of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the relevant legal rules, principles and concepts.

  • Show an excellent knowledge and understanding of the relevant legal rules, principles and concepts and evidence in the case.

  • Demonstrate extensive independent research.

  • Display an excellent understanding of the intended audience

  • Submissions should be coherent, eloquent and well-structured and presented using an appropriate format.

  • Be an excellent piece of work, free of errors and omissions.

  • Demonstrate a good level of critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation of relevant legal rules, principles and concepts.

  • Show a good knowledge and understanding of relevant legal rules, principles and concepts and evidence in the case.

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