The Learning Summary is to be no longer approximately 6 pages in length (single or double spaced, font 11 or bigger).  The Journal that shall outline your engagement with the materials.  YOUR LEARNING SUMMARY MUST USE PARAGRAPHS AND HEADINGS.   ·    Students should select six (6) classes only.  Your journal entry must include a short summary of the important points you learned, how you might use it in practice and a reflective piece on whether you think the law is appropriate or can be improved.  You will be impressing your instructor if you can relate what you have learned to the real world and bring in personal examples or examples you have read from the newspapers.     ·    THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO IMPRESS YOUR INSTRUCTOR AS TO YOUR CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS AND HOW YOU HAVE BEEN ABLE TO APPLY AND INCORPORATE THE MATERIALS YOU HAVE LEARNED TO THE REAL WORLD SITUATIONS.  YOUR LEARNING SUMMARY SHOULD REFERENCE AT LEAST 6 RELEVANT NEWSPAPER ARTICLES AND 3 PERSONAL EXAMPLES.  IF YOU DO NOT HAVE PERSONAL EXAMPLES YOU SHOULD INCLUDED AN ADDITIONAL 3 NEWSPAPER ARTICLES.  YOU SHOULD BE ANALYZING AND EVAULATING LEGAL ISSUES AND GIVING ME YOUR OPINIONS.  DO NOT JUST SUMMARIZE PRINCIPLES OF LAW.



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