Management Question

This individual assignment will take the form of a paper of no more than 1500 words (not including bibliography, references, and cover sheet), which identifies a specific leader (political, business, or religious; alive or dead) and analyzes his or her style in terms that link with the materials covered in the course.

This individual paper should specifically address leadership styles, including a comparative analysis of transactional vs. transformational characteristics and information on your chosen leader’s tendency to use manipulation vs. inspiration, his or her motivational style, etc. You may also wish to use some of the basic principles of emotional intelligence to inform your analysis.

You have a free choice of leader, but it is important that you choose someone of either historical or business significance who has had or does have a meaningful public profile. This will make it easier to find materials to support and reference in your assertions and analysis and will also allow us to grade your paper based on accessible materials and sources.

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