Measurement of an Equilibrium constant

2. Complete the results section that in found in the lab manual attached below pages 205-206. The experiment is pages 195-206. The raw data in excel is also attached below. Please include a picture of any graphs as well as on excel because my excel is old.

3. include 1-5 sentences that briefly summarize the procedure and what information was obtained

■ Example: – ____ g (or mL) of Reagent A were reacted with _____ g (or mL) of Reagent B until a precipitate formed/gas evolved/color change occurred. Observations were made and data were collected. Table 1 represents _____. Table 2 represents _____. Figure 1 represents _____. Figure 2 represents ____.

4. Complete the Discussion: In your discussion section address the following questions:

 How does your equilibrium compare with the rest of the class?

 Is there much class variation in the results?

 What does the calculated equilibrium constant tell you about the equilibrium position of the reaction you studied? Does the reaction favor reactants or products?

 Compared with the class is your mean and standard deviation similar? Why or why not?

5. Also include a conclusion, Example:

 Restate the purpose of the experiment

■ How did you attempt to meet the purpose?

■ Was the purpose met?

■ Restate the anticipated outcome. Was the actual outcome close to the anticipated outcome?

■ Why or why not? What errors did you specifically experience in this experiment? – Distance-learning format of the class is not an error

■ What are some future improvements to this experiment? – “Updating the lab manual”, “clear/better instructions on how to perform calculations”, “instructor not explaining the lab procedure”, “do not make the class a distance-learning course”, etc. are NOT future improvements



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