Microsoft Project

CASE- Use MicroSoft Project and Answer All Questions while providing supporting evidence

Case -Part A:

Input the following (see Information at end of case) into Microsoft Project and answer the following completely using paragraph form.

NOTE: Put a title in the first row of your Gantt chart input view and then enter all activities, indenting to show WBS (i.e. Project Approval starts on line 2 of input Gantt view):

Suggestions:1). To the left of Info column, right click, select Insert Column and add WBS; 2) Enter title on line 1 (or insert line as 0) then enter the info from that tables below, indenting or outdenting ( see Task Menu for Arrows); and 3) ensure there are no ? after any duration. For Resources, enter on Resource Sheet, determine 100% or more (teams of workers), and for all general info see MS Project Documents in Study Aids for MS Project Tutorial and/or study the suggest ancillary resource from the library or YouTube or MS videos on topic.

Your Activities:

Prepare a short memo that addresses the following:

1.Will the project as planned meet the September 25 deadline? (Assume that you start on August 1, 2021; work day is M-F 9 to (default hours); Labor Day is Holiday)

2.What activities lie on the critical path?

3.How can you determine the critical path from your Microsoft Project work?

In your answer to Part A, include the following:

a.Input Gantt View

b.Gantt Diagram (must show with activity and line numbers)

c.Network Diagram (readable to me; may need to copy and stack)

d.Statement of activities on the critical path (in your answer to #2 above). Do not just list line numbers or IDs but STATE the activities. Can show CP grouping activities but ensure that the activities listed are all one path; if multiple paths state each path)

Case: Part B:

Suggestions: 1) Enter resources and costs in Resource Sheet noting % (100% is one worker for durations—in this case set as M-F for 8 hours with one holiday); 2) Check Resource Graph for dates of overallocations –if any; and 3) Level —first within slack –using Level All instead of Ok.

Continue your Memo answering the following questions:

4.Which resources are overallocated? On what dates?

5.How did you resolve the overallocations?

6.What is your duration for the project?

7.What are the critical path activities?

In your answer to Part B, include the following:

a.Resource Sheet View with overallocations shown

b.Resource Graph(s) for overallocations by date

c.Gantt chart View showing duration and CP activities

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