Modifications to the wxEditor project.

This week is going to add a ‘File Open’ option allowing selection of a file from the disk to be read into
the wxTextCtrl. This allows any text file to be loaded into the program for editing.
The existing wxEditor program (PW3) will be modified to include a file dialog according to the
following instructions. 3 items need to be added in the header file, and 3 items need to be added in the
source code file.
Modifications to the wxEditor project.
Header file: In wxEditorMain.h is the wxEditorFrame class declaration
1. Add a declaration for a wxFileDialog pointer in the Private access area just below the wxTextCtrl
pointer declaration:
wxFileDialog* openDialog;
2. The existing enum list declares ID items as follows:
idMenuQuit = 1000,
Add a new ID entry item for a ‘File Open’ menu item below the ID_TextBox: idMenuOpen,



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