MUS 4 Introduction to Western Music

MUS 4 Introduction to Western Music

The weekly response assignments will be graded on the follow criteria:
1. Length: Your response to each question should be 1-2 paragraphs long. A paragraph should contain a minimum of three sentences.
2. Thoroughness: Your response needs to address all aspects of the question(s) included in the prompt.
3. Specificity: Avoid general statements. Give examples from the music, including time stamps where appropriate. It should be clear that you have done the assigned listening. (Simply quoting information found in the slides and lecture video is NOT sufficient for these response. Use that information as a starting point to deepen your engagement with the music. If your response is overly general, it will be assumed that you have not done
the necessary listening.)
4. Articulateness: Communicate your ideas as clearly as you can. Incorporate the proper terminology, covered in lecture and included in the class glossary, where needed.

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