Music Theory Question

Describe the instrumentation – instruments and/or voices used in this performance. You can write an overview of the performance but then it is crucial that you describe specific musical selections in details. I recommend that you make some notes while listening to the concert and then write the paper consulting your notes.

How would you describe the overall character of each musical selection?–for example: calm, lively, agitated, cheerful, light, somber, etc. What elements in the music make the piece sound this way?–tempo (fast or slow), dynamics (soft or loud), instrumentation (who has the lead?), pitch (major or minor key), or register (high or low sounds). How does the piece or movement evolve through time? (Describe the various changes that you hear)

What qualities make this music appealing to you (or not)?

Optional: You may choose one piece from the concert and compare it to a a piece by a composer we have studied in class. Comment on the similarities and differences.

Support all your comments with a discussion. Be clear and specific. Use correct grammar and mechanics of writing. Make sure you use musical terms correctly.

The concert review is about your description and comments on the music you hear. This is not a research assignment: you don’t need to provide historical information on the composers or pieces. Also, the primary goal is to describe objectively what you hear in the music rather than say whether you like it or not.

This is the checklist I use for grading papers:

-Concert description

Can I tell that the student watched the entire concert?

Is it clear what selection(s) the student is writing about?

-Description of what happens musically

-Correct use of musical terms

-Correlation between musical terms and character of the music

(i.e. “the fast tempo and the bright color of the trumpets made this movement sound very lively”)

-Good structure and correct English

-Descriptions that are detailed and specific. Does the student describe interesting or unusual elements that relate to specific pieces (or movements) in the concert?

Papers must be 1000-1500 words in length, double-spaced, and in 12 pt. Times, Times New-Roman, or Arial font.

Concert #5— Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra (click on Show More in the description to view the program)

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