Poli 28: Ethics and Society II

Poli 28: Ethics and Society II

First Essay Prompt
Please write a paper based on one of the prompts below. In order to facilitate anonymous grading, you are asked to include a cover page with your name and paper title, and to remove all identifying information from the remainder of your paper.
Papers are to be between 6-8 pages in length double spaced (not including the cover page or bibliography), with a standard font and margins. You are encouraged to look at the grading rubric and related course materials before writing your paper in order to familiarize yourself with the standards of assessment.

Poli 28: Ethics and Society II

The paper should address one of the following:
1. Under what conditions does voting count as an act of political dissent? Is it an effective, or ineffective method of dissent? Why?
2. Compare and contrast Gandhi and King’s views and justifications for civil disobedience. Did they agree about the situations in which it ought to be employed? At what point do their theories and practices come apart?
3. Rawls argues that civil disobedience is only morally justified when laws are sufficiently unjust and when more moderate forms of dissent have failed. Are these appropriate restrictions? Why or why not?



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