MBA_1.3 – The Political Agenda

MBA_1.3 – The Political Agenda

In this assignment, you will work in a group to write a 500-word paper on one of two current topics. In this paper, half of your group will develop the arguments for the use of political agendas in the workplace, and the other half will develop arguments against the use of political agendas. You will use The Political Agenda group discussion forum to coordinate with your group to complete this assignment.


Write a 500-word paper on 1 of the following topics:

  • Topic 1:
    • The television show Survivorprovides numerous demonstrations of the potential payoff for people who are willing to use political behavior for personal gain. After watching Season 1 of the series in which the winner, Richard Hatch, demonstrated his tremendous political skills, a friend of mine made the following assertion, “I don’t think they should make all those alliances. I think each person should just play as an individual.”
    • In your paper, address this man’s assertion from both a practical, career-advancement perspective and from a Christian perspective. Decide which half of the group will support the assertion, and which half will argue against it. Each half of the group should argue for their selected position on the use of political skills in the workplace, and provide clear direction on when and if political behavior is a legitimate part of Christ-like living.
  • Topic 2
    • CEOs love to stand in front of the media and tout their firms’ efforts to encourage ethical behavior. However, in some cases it appears that firms’ actions actually reward behavior of which they claim to disapprove. Some observers have concluded that, “Organizations get the behavior they reward, not the behavior they say they want.”
    • Using either a personal experience or a media account of an actual organizational situation, assign half of your group to take a position in support of this statement. The other half of the group will develop a rebuttal against the statement. Describe the situation, but don’t spend more than 20% of your paper telling the story. The remainder of your paper should focus on analyzing the situation and providing recommendations to correct the problem.
    • Note:Use the theories of reinforcement and learning.

Develop your arguments fully and avoid making unsupported contentions.

Paper Specs

  • Write a 500-word paper
  • Putyour name in the upper-left corner of the paper, and indicate the number of words you wrote.
  • UseAPA style for formatting.
  • Cite at least two supporting references.

Click the Submit Assignment link in the upper-right corner to upload your assignment.

MBA_1.3 – The Political Agenda



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