Population genetics assignment – “What is science” Evolution as a science”

Questions to consider for “What is science” Evolution as a science” readings
1. What is science? (see definitions in article #1). Why do we consider astronomy a science?
2. Give an example of a fact, a scientific hypothesis (you can make one up if you like), and a scientific theory (see article #1).
3. Is science the only way to get to the truth? (note articles #2 & #3). Is a scientific hypothesis the only sort of hypothesis? What do folks in the humanities do?
4. Was evolution by natural selection a scientific hypothesis when introduced by Darwin and Wallace? Reasons? Is the idea now a theory? Note the argument in article #3, but Darwin himself had concerns about variation and time – how were they resolved?
5. Is creationism and/or its antecedent, Intelligent Design, a science? Reasons, yes or no?(see articles #4 and #5)
6. What do you think the Gallup poll, taken last year, tells us about the difference between belief and science.?

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