power point (IBA Stretch project
PM Project/Presentation– Failed Project – 200 points
You are to create a narrated PowerPoint presentation that lasts between 8-10 minutes.The topic should be on a failed IT project.There are many to choose from. The presentation should be on a topic pre-approved in a previous week.
A general guideline for your presentation:
- Title
- Intro to Project
- Background
- Problems that occurred
- Time line
- Outcomes to Project and those involved
- Reasons for the problems/possible solutions or mitigating factors
- Review and Lessons Learned
This is a GENERAL outline.Every Project won’t fit into this guideline.
You also need to create a 1 page (1 sided) handout in Word or Pdf format that would accompany your presentation.
Be careful when you create your PowerPoint so that all audio files and/or graphics are included in the PowerPoint file and not external links.To test this you might want to take the PowerPoint file to a different computer and see if it works properly.
The PowerPoint and handout files need to be uploaded to the appropriate Discussion forum before the due date.
Grading: 200 points total
80 points on completeness and content in the PowerPoint
40 points of the format of the PowerPoint
40 Points on the narration
20 points for the handout
20 points for overall effectiveness