Project 4: Reflecting on the Semester and Forecasting the Future – Metacognitive Reading

As your final assignment and instead of an in-class final exam, you will write extensively on your experiences as a first year college student. This final project of the semester must assess your work as well as identify the skills and habits of mind you have developed this semester as documented in your projects, in class writings, and class discussions before predicting how those skills could be of value to you in the future.


Write an essay that addresses the key concepts and ideas that have emerged in the course so far; such as: responding to texts, techniques on reading scholar sources, useful ways of incorporating sources and using quote sandwiches, research skills and finding/evaluating sources, the revision process, using citation forms, paraphrasing/summarizing/quoting, finding ways of conveying arguments as well as incorporating all sides of a discussion, plagiarism, or anything else you can find in your notes.


Reflect on what we have done in this class all semester long and find at least three things (these can be themes from the in-class readings, essays you read for this class, or anything addressed in a class video or resource) you remember that you will be able to take with you moving forward.


You must reflect on your own journey as a student through this college writing class experience in order to help you become conscious of your path in developing these skills.  You should show that you are thinking carefully about your learning – both the content of the learning and the way that you are learning it – by giving lots of examples and details.


Make sure to choose an audience.  If it helps, write this as a letter, either to future you as a way to show them all you have learned now or to a new college student, perhaps.  Pick a clear and easily identified audience for this project.


The purpose of this project is to teach your audience what you’ve decided is most significant about all you’ve learned about effective academic writing so far.  Secondary purpose: to demonstrate to me, your instructor, that you’re comprehending, applying, and reflecting on the ideas from the course.


You will need to cite at least one of the essays you read over the course of this class.  Everything is expected to be done MLA format.


This should be a comprehensive story about the past year, feel free to include the hardships of learning in a pandemic and any future goals, but focus on how far you have come.  Take a look at your very first piece of writing for me and see what you would do differently now.

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