PS525 Foundations of Psychopathology: Psychological Evaluation through Film

Obtain and watch ONE of the following movie: Free on Netflix Saving Mr. Banks. Using the clinical information that is provided in the movie itself, write two case evaluations. For the movie, Saving Mr. Banks, complete one evaluation will be on P. L. Travers and the other on her father Travers Goff.

Here’s a link with some helpful info:,through%20the%20flashbacks%20to%20P.L.&text=Travers’%20childhood%20experience%20tells%20a,that%20may%20never%20fully%20heal.

In each evaluation, include the following sections:

I.) Background Information: Family of origin, education level and school experiences, work history, current economic status, current relationship(s), information about children if any, trauma history, reported medical and mental illnesses, past treatments.

II.) Behavioral Observations: Your observations of the patient, how they dress and care for themselves, how they interact with others, their mood, intelligence, insight into their problems, and any other relevant observations.

III.) DSM-5 Diagnoses: (Remember that it is possible to have more than one diagnosis and be sure to account for psychosocial stressors with the use of v-codes.)

IV.) Findings: Cite specific DSM-5 criteria to justify each of your diagnoses. What data from the Background Information and/or Behavioral Observations do you believe justifies diagnosis you have made. In other words, how does this information relate to the diagnostic criteria for each diagnosis you have made?

V.) Treatment Recommendations: Using information obtained in this class or from other academic sources you locate, such as the Library or Google, write a brief list of issues you believe need to be addressed in treatment (taking into consideration all of the diagnoses) and what treatment will be used to address each issue. Include recommendations for medication if you believe this may be necessary to help the patient/client.

VI.) Prognosis: Consider the patient’s level of motivation, insight, severity of their illness, and results of past treatment episodes, as well as what is generally known by psychologists about the illness(s) the patient has. Then indicate how well this patient is likely to do in treatment with you. List your prognosis as excellent, good, fair, or poor, and then provide your rationale for rendering this prognosis substantiated by an academic reference.

VII.) Ethical/Legal Considerations: Is this patient a danger to self or others? Is this patient competent to make decisions for him/herself? Should involuntary hospitalization or treatment be considered for this patient and if so, why? Does this patient’s behavior warrant reporting to any government agencies and if so, why? If you were treating this patient, what ethical concerns would you need to address to assure that your work with the patient conforms to prevailing ethical codes and standards?

The Assignment should:

  • Follow assignment directions (review grading rubric for best results).

  • Use correct APA formatting per the APA Publication Manual, 6th Edition. Be sure to include an Abstract.

  • Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English.

  • Be written in Standard American English and be clear, specific, and error-free. If needed, be sure to use the Writing Center for help.

  • Each evaluation report should be a minimum of 4-5 pages for a total Assignment minimum of 8-10 pages (not including Title Page, Abstract or References Page).



PS525_1702C_-3.1: Use hypothetical case studies to evaluate ethical, legal, forensic, as well as diagnostic issues and their implications in clinical practice.

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