Psychology question

1-A test that encourages people to describe themselves indirectly by talking about an ambiguous stimulus such as an inkblot is called a ……….test.

O redundant

O multiphasic

O projective

O progressive

2-People who consistently work on the night shift (midnight to 8 am) may or may not fully adjust their circadian rhythms to this chedule, Which of the following would most likely help people adjust their rhythms?

O complete silence while sleeping during the day

O social activity while at work at night

O bright lights while at work at night

O loud music while at work at night

3-The term personality comes from the Latin word persona, which means

O nice, or friendly

O experience

O mask

O stable, or permanent

4-Humanistic psychologists concentrate on

O explaining how human behavior evolved from that of other animals

O the interactions among the id, the ego, and the superego

O explaining simple behaviors in terms of their component elements

O unconditional positive regard and empathy

5-Rogers would say that unconditional love from parents…………..

O leads to a person getting stuck in the anal stage of development

O fosters congruence

O is unusual

O fosters incongruence

6-We spend approximately …………..of our lives sleeping.

O half

O one-third

O two-thirds

O three-quarters

7- During REM sleep,

O the brain generates its lowest rate of activity O thinking is common but dreaming is rare

O breathing rate and heart rate are low and stable

O the major muscles are paralyzéd

8-According to the Informational Processing Theory, sleep is important because

O it allows for an adequate blood supply to reach the brain and muscles

O it enables the body to recover from exertion

O it allows dreams to occur so we can resolve unconscious conflicts that occur during the day O it helps to consolidate memory

9- Which of the following occur more often during non-REM sleep than during REM sleep?

O sleepwalking and sleep talking

O sleepwalking and night terrors

O sleep talking and nightmares

O nightmares and night terrors

10- Sleep deprivation has been shown to

O increase attentiveness

O decrease the immune system

O reduce hypertension

O all of the above

11- The defense mechanism of displacement is O a return to a more juvenile level of functioning O diverting a behavior or thought away from its natural target toward a less threatening target

O attributing one’s own undesirable characteristics to other people

O the transformation of an unacceptable impulse into an acceptable, or even admirable, behavior

12- According to the repair and restoration theory of sleep, the purpose of sleep is to

O allow adequate blood supply to reach the muscles

O allow the body to recover from exertion

O permit dreams to occur

O enforce inactivity during times of inefficiency

13- Nightmares are to……… night terrors are to………

O REM sleep; stage 4 sleep

O delta waves; alpha waves

O stage 4 sleep; stage 1 sleep

O stage 1 sleep; REM sleep

14- During an ordinary night’s sleep, the usual sequence of sleep stages in the first several hours is:

O 1-2-3-4-REM-1-2-3-4..

O 1-2-3-4-3-2-REM…

O 1-2-3-4-REM-4-3-2-1.

O 1-2-1-3-1-4-REM..

15- The defense mechanism of denial is

O a return to juvenile behavior

O presenting oneself in a favorable way

O presenting oneself as the opposite of what one actually is

O refusal to believe something

16- The psychologist who proposed the existence of a collective unconscious was

O Mao Tse Jung

O Egg Foo Jung

O Young Jung

O Carl Jung

17- Circadian rhythms are partially controlled by the release of the hormone

O melatonin

O adrenaline

O circadine

O somnaline

18-During which stage of sleep are the major muscles most relaxed?

O stage 2

O stage 3

O stage 4

O REM sleep

19-The original goal of psychoanalysis was to

O prevent the process known as catharsis

O help the patient reexamine the assumptions behind his or her style of life

O bring the contents of the unconscious mind into the conscious mind

O help the patient probe the contents of the collective unconscious

20- People and most other animals waké up and go to sleep on a regular basis, at about the same time every 24 hours. What causes this cycle?

O It depends entirely on patterns of light and darkness

O It depends mainly on the influence of other animals

O It is generated by a biological built-in mechanism within our brains

O It depends mainly on fluctuations in the temperature of the environment

21- Humanistic psychology began as a protest movement against

O Cognitive Psychology and Developmental Psychology

O Jung and Adler

O Gestalt Psychology and Social Psychology

O Psychoanalysis and Behaviorism

22-After going to sleep, Sally’s eyes move rapidly under her closed lids. Research suggests that Sally is

O dreaming

O ready to sleepwalk

O exhibiting a sleep spindle

O experiencing a night terror

23- For most people, how long does it take for an average sleep cycle (from stage 1 to the first REM stage)

O 30 to 45 minutes

O 1 to 2 minutes

O 90 to 100O minutes

O 7 to 8 hours

24-Research studies on the content of dreams indicate that

O men are less likely than women to report dreams

O blind people do not dream

O people are more likely to dream of failure than of success

O most dreams are pleasant and have a positive ending

25- According to the evolutionary theory of sleep, some animals sleep more than others because they

O are more active

O have higher metabolic rates

O eat such low-calorie food that they must rest often

O are less vulnerable to being attacked

26- A person who just interviewed for a job and did not get it says, “I did not really want that job anyway.” may be an example of which defense mechanism?

O repression

O sublimation

O rationalization

O regression

27-What is the problem suffered by people with sleep apnea?

O they often stop breathing for a short period of time while they are asleep

O they suddenly fall asleep in the middle of the day

O they walk and talk in their sleep

O once they fall asleep, they have trouble waking up again

28- Sleepwalking occurs most during

O REM sleep

O stage 4

O during alpha brain waves

O the transition from REM sleep to stage 2 sleep

29-According to Alfred Adler, people’s main motivation is

O sexuality

O avoidance of pain

O striving for superiority

O the collective unconscious

30- After getting yelled at by his boss, the husband goes home and yells at his children and wife. This is an example of whích defense mechanism?

O regression

O displacement

O denial

O reaction formation

31- According to Freud, the superego is the…………….component of our personality.

O biological

O moral

O pleasure

O decision-making

32- The brain activity associated with REM sleep is most similar to brain waves associated with

O stage 1 sleep

O stage 2 sleep

O stage 3 sleep

O stage 4 sleep

33- A client provides answers to the Thematic Apperception Test by

O telling stories

O pointing to correct symbols

O checking true or false on an answer sheet

O being interviewed by the therapist

34- Narcolepsy involves

O sudden drop into REM during awakening hours of the day

O very unpleasant dreams that keep people awake

O prolonged creepy-crawly sensations in the legs

O frequent awakenings during the night

35- During which of Freud’s stages of psychosexual development does the Oedipus Complex occur?

O phallic

O latent

O oral

O genital

36-Some people describe themselves as “morning people”, while others described themselves as “evening people”. Which of the following statement is true regarding that distinction?

O “Evening people” have low body temperatures in the morning that gradually rise later in the day O There is no difference between “Even people” and “Morning people”

O “Evening people” are at their intellectual and physical peak early in the morning

O Someone who is a “Morning person” at age 21 will be a “Morning person” throughout life

37- According to Freud, conflict between the id, ego and superego creates

O conscious behaviors

O anxiety and defensive behaviors

O healthy behaviors

O learned behaviors

38-At 3 o’clock in the morning, John has already slept for 4 hours. As long as his sleep continues, we can expect an increasing occurrence of

O hypnagogic sensations

O muscle tension


O stage 4 sleep

39-The defense mechanism of regression is

O motivated forgetting

O presenting oneself as the opposite of what one actually is

O a refusal to believe something

O a return to juvenile behavior

40-What is meant by the term “neo-Freudian”? O a psychologist who is thoroughly opposed to Freud’s basic theories and approaches

O a psychologist who accepts all of Freud’s theories

O a psychologist who wants to keep some of Freud’s theories and modify others

O a psychologist who is trying to revive Freud’s theories and to reawaken public interest in them

41-Lack of sleep causes

O impaired concentration

O lapses in judgment and slowness of reflexes

O greater vulnerability to accidents

O all of the above

42- REM rebound involves the

O tendency for REM sleep to become increasingly shorter and less frequent as a night progresses

O increase in REM sleep that characteristically follows stressful day experiences

O unusual symptoms of tiredness and irritability that follow sleep deprivation

O tendency for REM sleep to increase following sleep deprivation

43-Carl Roger is known as

O a humanistic psychologist

O Buck Roger’s father

O star of “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood”

O a country and western singer

44-The area of the brain known to regulate the body’s circadian rhythm is the

O suprachiasmatic nucleus

O cerebellum

O parietal lobe

O corpus callosum

45-During which stage(s) of sleep does most dreaming occur?

O only during REM sleep

O mostly during REM sleep, but dreams that are typically less vivid also occur during non-REM sleep

O mostly during non-REM sleep, but less vivid dreams also occur during REM sleep

O only during non-REM sleep

46- Researcher distinguish among stages 1, 2, 3, and 4 of sleep by observing

O sleep position

O eye movements

O dream content

O brain waves

47- Which of the following was NOT a neo-Freudian?

O Karen Horney

O William James

O Carl Jung

O Alfred Adler

48- Freud’s theory of personality is an example of a……………theory.

O Behaviorist

O Gestalt

O Humanistic

O Psychoanalytical

49- According to the learning theory, many behaviors

O are learned through modeling or reinforcement

O arise from collective unconscious

O are driven by the libido

O are motivated by social interest

50- Humanistic psychologists try to help people to

O interpret the symbolic meaning of their dreams

O bring the contents of the unconscious mind into consciousness

O reduce the discrepancy between their self-concept and their ideal self

O understand the unspoken assumptions behind their style of life

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