The purpose of this Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment is to practice presenting research on a contemporary topic in Developmental Psychology through a Narrated PowerPoint. In this Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment you will present the current state of the research on a chosen topic in developmental psychology. In your Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment, you are expected to present a clear overview of the current research on your topic, a discussion of gaps and limitations to the research, a biblical view of the topic, and a proposed study to further this research area.
This Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment is expected to be completed in PowerPoint and be narrated (your voice describing the content). Your narration should not be read from a script, but rather you are expected to narrate it as if you were giving a presentation live at a conference or in the classroom setting.
Please include the following slides in your Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment:
- Introductory slide that tells the audience the purpose of the presentation and the topic that will be explored.
The Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment should be clear and include information on the slides that helps the audience follow the argument made in your narration. Also, transitions between slides should be made in a way that helps guide the audience along the argument you are making for your research area. As you are preparing this Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment, imagine you have been asked to give a talk on the current state of the research topic and how to further the research area. Your presentation is expected to be 30-45 minutes in length.
Be sure to review the criteria on the Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Grading Rubric before beginning this Research Presentation: Part 4 – Narrated PowerPoint Assignment.