Research & Summaries Question

Directions: Compose an 8-10 page theoretical paper that combines a literature review of a pertinent HDFS topic with thoughtful theoretical insights.

❖ Beginning-middle of paper (pages 4-5 pages) – 60
o What is the topic and why is it relevant? (1-2 paragraphs) [10]

The beginning of your paper needs to focus on the particular HDFS phenomenon you are trying to understand. You will want to search throughout recent scientific studies to see what scholars have found with regards to your particular research question. You will need to begin the paper by explaining what the topic is and why it is relevant for us – as family and child studies students + practitioners – to know about this topic. The literature will help you build your case, and you will be citing previous studies that demonstrate a need to know more about this phenomenon.

o What does the research say about your topic? (4 pages) [50]
After you offer an explanation of the phenomenon and why it is necessary to study, you will present the relevant research that has been done on this topic. You will need to summarize the field of research as well as present 10 different research studies and their pertinent findings. See separate examples on Moodle for more on what this will look like. In any research article, they always have an introduction + lit review, so you can also look there as an example of what you will be doing.

❖ Middle-end of paper (4-5 pages) – 70
o Identify one theory that helps us to better understand what the research says about

your topic [35]
In this section, present a short overview of the theory, 1-2 underlining assumptions,and 2-3 concepts that elucidate your literature review findings. You will be evaluated on your ability to not only articulate the theory in your own words, but toutilize appropriate citations and apply relevant theoretical insights to bring understanding to the findings of your literature review. You must cite two different academic articles that specifically discuss the theory and its concepts and/or assumptions that you are applying. You may cite the course textbook, but you will still need to cite two academic articles, as well.

o Identity a second theory that helps us to better understand what the research says about your topic [35]
This section is the same as previous bullet point except you will introduce a second theory. Follow all directions listed in previous bullet point.

❖ Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs) – 5
o End your paper with a brief conclusion, reiterating your topic’s importance, what the

literature says about it, and how HDFS students + practitioners can utilize theory to better understand the findings of the literature.


❖ Reference List (as long as you want!) – 10
o Every student will have at least 14 citations on their reference list (10 research

studies and 4 theoretical articles). I strongly encourage diversity of resources (meaning do not cite 8/10 of your research studies from the same journal or the same author). I encourage you to have more than fourteen resources!! There is no required amount of in-text citations you need to have, although you will have at least fourteen spread throughout your paper. A good rule of thumb: If the reference is on your reference list, then it must be cited in the paper somewhere…and if you citedsomething in your paper, then you must include the reference in the reference list.

Important Reminders / Formatting, Grammar, Writing Center, etc – 5

  • ❖ As with everything else you have turned in for this class, this paper needs to be well- polished and utilize appropriate grammar, syntax, style, and formatting. Review the syllabus– and previous LR assignments – for more on APA style. Do not include running headers, an abstract, or cover page. Write name, date, and FCS 320 in top corner and center your title. Then, start your paper. Make sure to also submit your writing center signature page at the same time you submit your final paper — no signature page means you receive a zero on your final paper.

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