Sample data statistics question

  1. The table below lists a sample of 22 Math SAT scores. Use this data to answer questions(a)(l).

380 390 400 400 410 430 450 470 500 500 500

520 560 600 610 620 620 650 660 690 710 780

Find the following measures.  Round to the nearest tenth and include the appropriate units (test scores are in points) with your answers.

  • Mean 538.6

  1. b) Median. 510

C.Mode.     500

  1. d)    400

  2. e) Standard deviation 7.24655774

     (f)  Variance 12.931.7486

     (g)  Find P70

     (h)  Find the percentile rank of the Math SAT score of 430.

     (i)  Write the 5-number summary for the data and construct a box plot. Identify each measure and its value.

(j)  Use the IQR to determine if any outliers exist.  Show your calculations.

  1. k) Using the mean and the standard deviation, determine whether a Math SAT score of 780 is unusual. Show your calculations.

  1. Listed below are a sample of jersey numbers for the New England Patriots.

17 33 64 65 66 67 72 77 80 84 86 88 21.        Does it make sense to calculate the mean or median of these numbers?  Why or why not?  Explain.

3.Find the mean of the sample data summarized in the given frequency distribution.  Round your answer to the nearest tenth.  Show your calculations.(4 pts)

Repair Time (min).        Frequency       15+29=44.    44/2=22.  3*22=.   66

15 – 29.                            3                       30+44=74   74/2=37   7*37 =    259

30 – 44                             7                       45+59=104 104/2= 52 11*52 =  572

45 – 59                             11                     60+74=134 134/2= 67 4*67=. 16.75

60 – 74                              4

 Total.                254.                                                                                       913.75



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