Samsung social media plan

Table of Contents -Once your paper is complete you will need a Table of Contents. This is a list of the parts of your Social Media Marketing Plan. It will be organized in the Chapter in which the parts appear. It includes headers and page numbers. If you do not know how to add leader dots to a Table of Contents, go to the Word Help Icon (?), search Table of Contents leader dots, then follow their instructions.

Executive Summary – (This item is located immediately following the Table of Contents, however, it should be the last item written for your Social Media Plan).The executive summary is a short document (no more than 1 page) that summarizes your overall Social Media Plan. Your reader can rapidly become acquainted with a large body of material without having to read it all. It will usually contain a brief statement of the problem or proposal covered in the major documents, background information, concise analysis, and main conclusions. It is intended as an aid to decision making by business managers.

An executive summary differs from an abstract in that an abstract will usually be shorter and is intended to provide a neutral overview or orientation rather than being a condensed version of the full document. Abstracts are extensively used in academic research where the concept of the executive summary would be meaningless.

4.0 Social Media Strategy

This section will answer the following question.

  • Which mix of the 4 zones of social media will be best to accomplish the company’s objectives.

4.1 Social Community Zone Strategies

This section will answer the following questions.

  • What approach to social networking and relationship building should the company use?

  • How will the company represent the Brand in social networks as a corporate entity, as a collection of corporate leadership or as a brand character?

  • What content will be shared in this space?

4.2 Social Publishing Zone Strategies

This section will answer the following questions.

  • What content does the company have to share with audiences?

  • Can the company develop a sufficient amount of fresh, valuable content to attract audiences to consume online content?

  • What form should the company use for a blog?

  • Which media sharing sites should the company to publish content?

  • How should the company build links between company social media sites, owned media sites and affiliates to optimize the company sites for search engines?

4.3 Social Entertainment Zone Strategies

This section will answer the following questions.

  • What role should social entertainment play in the company’s social media plan?

  • Are there opportunities to develop a customized social game or to promote the brand as a product placement in other social games?

  • Is there an opportunity to utilize social entertainment sites as an entertainment venue?

4.4 Social Commerce Zone Strategies

This section will answer the following questions.

  • How can the company develop opportunities for customer reviews and ratings that add value to the company’s prospective customers?

  • Should the company develop retail space within social media sites?

  • If the company does socially enhance their own e-retailing spaces, what applications should be used?

5.0 The Experience Strategy

This section will answer the following questions.

  • How does the company develop social media activities that support and/or extend their existing promotional strategies?

  • What message does the company share using social media?

  • How does the company encourage engagement with the brand in social spaces?

  • How does the company encourage those who engage with the brand socially to act as opinion leaders and share the experience with others?

  • In what ways does the company align the zones used as well as other promotional tools to support each other?

  • Does the company incorporate social reminders in advertising messages, in-store displays, and other venues?

6.0 The Activation Plan

This section will answer the following questions.

  • How does the company make the plan happen?

  • Who is responsible for each aspect of implementing the plan?

  • What is the timing of the elements of the plan?

  • What budget does the company need for the plan?

  • How does the company ensure that the plan is consistent with the organization’s overall marketing plan and promotional plan?

7.0 Management and Measure – This section will answer the following question:

  • How will the company measure the actual performance of the plan?

8.0 Appendix-Place all examples used in your paper in this section. If you do not have examples this section is not necessary.

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