Saudi Involvement in the Yemen Conflict

For this activity, you are to take the role of a United States Department of State officer. Your boss, the Secretary of State, has been assigned to give a press conference about Saudi Arabia’s role in the ongoing conflict in Yemen. You have been tasked with writing talking points for the Secretary.

Talking points are a set of short statements, usually using bullet points. (I will send links of examples once question is taken) I am less concerned about format than about substance, so feel free to be creative about how you do the talking points. You will need to conduct research to understand the issue.

You can decide what should be included in your talking points, but write them as if you were the Secretary of State. You need to include at least 10 talking points, each 1-2 sentences long. You should cover at least a bit about the history of Saudi Arabian involvement, why it got involved, and the impact of its involvement on the conflict and/or broader Middle East relations. Make sure you provide citations for the information you pull from other sources.

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