Searching Data From Single and Multiple Tables

Searching Data From Single and Multiple Tables


In this Assignment, you will use SQL DML commands to find information about employees and departments of a company.

To create the data you need, first run the script schema.sql by following these steps:

  1. Click the following link to download and save the script on your computer.
  2. When you download the file SCHEMA.SQL make sure it is saved as a .SQL file using Notepad, if you save it as a .TXT file, it will not work.  You may also choose to rename the file (E.g. schemaweek3.sql).
  3. The very last statement in the SCHEMA.SQL file is “EXIT”.  This causes the Oracle SQL command editor to close.  If you delete the command “EXIT” from the file prior to executing it, then you will not have to re-run the Oracle SQL plus command editor after loading the data.
  4. You must include the path when you execute the @schema.sql command in the Oracle Command line editor.  In the example shown below, the file is stored as schemaweek3.sql in the C:/ directory.  To execute the file at the oracle command line type in @C:/schemaweek3.sql.  If you don’t understand the concept of path in windows, you need to Google it.  The screen shot below shows the Oracle response if you do not include the path.  When the path is included and the file renamed schemaweek3.sql, Oracle will respond with “demonstration table build is complete”.
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