Support for the Strategic Planning
Support for the Strategic Planning: An Interactive Process for Leaders book from the Becoming a Strategic Leader book (20 points).
What is something found in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book that supports a concept or idea found in the Strategic Planning: An Interactive Process for Leaders book? To answer this question, include the following:
-The concept or idea found in the Strategic Planning: An Interactive Process for Leaders book and its specific location in that book.
-The content (item, story, principle, content, idea, or statement) found in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book and its specific location in that book.
-Why you feel that what you cite in the Becoming a Strategic Leader book supports what you cite in the Strategic Planning: An Interactive Process for Leaders book
Further examples for a concept or idea from Rock, Paper, Scissors book (20 points).
Take any concept or idea described in the Rock, Paper, Scissors book (such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma or the Tragedy of the Commons – and you can use those if you wish) and provide another supporting example for each besides those described in the book itself. Please note: Do not use the Becoming a Strategic Leader book to answer this question. Explain why you chose these examples (why they are appropriate to use as examples) and tell where you got the examples from.