While we typically go to the library and look at textbooks there, this is not an obvious option at this point. So find an online TEXTBOOK of any sort and do your review! You can find some online in the library. It has to be a textbook, not a novel, etc. Please answer the questions below in the attached document. You are welcome to just number each question and I can refer back to the questions that way! I am expecting thorough answers for these questions – a sentence or two will NOT do!


1. List the name of the textbook being reviewed, subject of the book, date of publication.

2. List the authors and state the author’s sex, if possible.

3. What grade level is this textbook written for?

4. Review the textbook type (written word) for cultural or gender stereotyping. Please indicate what item(s) you found and why the item(s) is specific to cultural or gender bias.

5. Review the textbook photos. Are there any photos which portray men or women or cultural groups in stereotyped roles or behavior?

6. Were the experts or authorities on the subject matter males, females, or both? Could you identify the ethnicity of the experts or authorities cited in the book? If so, what were they?

7. Is the textbook representative of all groups, (females and various cultures) and their contribution to the subject matter? Please explain.

8. Overall, on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), what score would you give the textbook you reviewed in representing women and cultural groups in the subject matter? Please give justification for your score.

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